Pork chop soup, a dish to increase the amount of breast milk for mothers after giving birth

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Hello food lovers! How are you today? Today, my family is so happy to welcome a new member. Hello,sband's sister just gave birth to her second child. It was a little girl. She is so cute and lovely.
You know, the journey of being pregnant for nine months and ten days is so difficult. But the days of taking care of the child after giving birth are even more difficult. Therefore, the diet for mothers after giving birth is so important. An adequate diet is essential for both restoring the mother's health and promoting breastfeeding for the nursing infant.
Today I will introduce to you a good dish for postpartum mothers. I took the time to cook this for my sister-in-law.
Let's explore this dish with me!


Ingredients and nutritional value

  • pork chop
  • papaya
  • carrot
  • pumpkin
  • Coriander: onion, cilantro
  • Seasoning: salt, seasoning, powdered sugar, pepper.

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Porkchop is a dish that contains many nutrients, rich in calcium, iron, and vitamins, suitable for people who need to improve their health. Here is also a food that has the effect of tonic blood and milk, so it is very well for pregnant and lactating women. It is estimated that 100g of pig's hoof contains 21g of protein, 21.6g of lipid, 33mg of Ca, 0.7mg of Fe, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, etc. src

Papaya: papaya fruit contains about 70% water, 13% sugar, no starch, is rich in carotenoids, organic acids, vitamins A, B, C, Protein, 0.9% fat, cellulose (0, 5%), calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, etc. This is not only a nutritious fruit good for health but also has great effects on beauty care. src

Carrot: is considered a storehouse of carotene and precious medicines. It contains 88g water, 8g sugar, 1.5g protein, 1.2g cellulose, 43mg calcium, 39mg phosphorus, 0.8mg iron, 0.06mg vitamin B1, 0.06mg vitamin B2, 0.4mg vitamin PP, 0.8mg vitamin C and from 1 to 9mg of carotene. As well as providing nutritional value that can improve health, carrots can also be used to cure a variety of diseases. src

Pumpkin is a rich food with vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A, which is very good for your health. It is an antioxidant and prevents cancer.
The wonderful combination of these foods together creates a nutritious dish for postpartum mothers.

How to cook this dish?

Step 1: Preliminary ingredients

Pork chop, wash thoroughly with water, rub a little salt on the hock to remove odors, and help it clean.


Carrots, papaya, pumpkin, you wash them thoroughly with water and cut them into small pieces to eat.


Wash the cilantro, then finely chop.


Step 2: processing

Put a pot of water on the stove, bring it to a boil, and put the pig's hoof in the blanching to remove dirt and odors.


After boiling the spring rolls with boiling water, take them out into a bowl and season with a few seasonings, including pepper, seasoning, and salt, to increase the richness of the pork chop.


Put another pot of water on the stove and put the pock chop in it to stew. This stage takes about 1 hour so that the pork leg is soft and delicious. The taste of the water will also be sweeter and more aromatic.


After the pork leg has been stewed soft, continue to put the papaya, pumpkin, and carrot into the pot. Bring the pot to a boil until the tubers are soft enough to eat, then turn off the heat. At this time, you add some finely chopped coriander to make the soup more fragrant and attractive.




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My dish is just finished, my sister enjoyed this soup very much. If you are taking care of a postpartum mother, cook this nutritious dish for them to enjoy. This is a good dish to increase milk production for both the mother and the baby. I hope you will succeed with this recipe. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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Wow, that is an excellent recipe, I am so delighted to see that from you.

First of all,Happy Birthday to the infant who just come out on the lights of the earth, Recently I also witnessed a newborn baby who was also delivered near a week ago.
So, I think both of us has the same feeling, freshy and delightful.huh ha..

Now, I just want to praise you for the postpartum analysis and the sense of knowing and imparting the knowledge which is essential to know for all the mothers, who are taking care of their own infants.

Its way significant to talk on the aspects, as breastfeeding milk and the nutrition that the child gets directly linked with the nutrition mother intakes from the diet and special food menu.

Not much things to say,you already mentioned the scientific and nutritional values of the recipe you prepared from your culinary knowledge and cooking skill.I am loved to see the way you prepared those items and presented here on the blog.

I pray for you and hope you could be happy in the days to come.
God bless you,@kimloan, good bye.🙂✌️

wow, a really thoughtful comment. thank you for visiting my blog and leaving kind words. Wish you all the best ☺️

Ummmm. What happens if a guy eats this ?!! Lol

You and your family have a lovely weekend :-)

😅😅Anyone can eat this. hahaha. because it is very nutritious for health. You don't have to worry that it'll make you produce milk

By eating this everyday, you don't need to do the gym to work out for your chest :)

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Mai đem cho em với nghe 🤪🤪🤪

😅lấy chồng đi, đẻ rồi c nấu đem cho ăn

chị cũng viết về công thức nấu ăn nè. Gu giống em nên khi nào không biết nấu chi vô kiếm bài của chị là có món để nấu rồi. hihi

lâu lâu không có chủ đề để viết chị mới viết nấu ăn ak em. chứ chị ko giỏi nấu ăn như mọi người. ihi

à. hihi. lâu lâu có món là được rồi á chị. học thêm được món mới nè

món này ngon quá em, ảnh cũng đẹp nữa
món này cho người sau sinh ăn là chuẩn rùi thêm cả canh móng giò khoai sọ nữa 😄

dạ, món này hay nấu cho mẹ sau sinh. thanks chị đã ghé

Khuya rồi còn thấy đồ ăn 😥

vậy lần sau post ngày ☺️

This one looks like easy to make. I love soup. And those pig foot. 😁 We mostly have this kind of pigspart on the soup too. But, we only have plain soup with pork.

thank you. let's try this recipe. it's really delicious ☺️

Definitely will with some veggies 🐱

Ngày trước sinh em bé cứ thấy món này là ám ảnh, chừ nhìn thèm khong có ai nấu cho ăn đây nè. hihihi

uk nè, khi sinh thì bà mẹ cho ăn quài luôn. hihi

Yay! 🤗
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thank you

Ooi món yêu thích của Trang :) Nên cũng hay đi ăn bún giò ngoài cho đỡ thèm

thank you my dear 🖤

It looks cool idea :) I hope it can help some moms out there :)

thank you @foxkoit

you're welcome :)