Making Greek Zucchini Balls (Kolokithokeftedes) for the first time - Easy, Fast and Delicious

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.

I wanted to surprise my girlfriend since she is working a lot lately so I decided to prepare one of her favourite meals and that is no other than Zucchini Balls or Kolokithokeftedes in Greek.


Kolokithokeftedes is one of my favourite meals too so I was more than happy to give it a shot and it turned out delicious!

Greek Zucchini Balls (Kolokithokeftedes) for 2



  • 3 Zucchini
  • 2 Eggs
  • Feta Cheese (or your favourite cheese)
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Flour

Disclaimer : I never follow a recipe and that's the reason I am not suggesting specific proportions about salt, Feta Cheese and flour. Add as much as you feel like

Step 1


Cut the edges of each zucchini and discard them. Grate the zucchini in the thick part of the grater. Be careful not to cut yourself with the grater. It hurts lol!


Step 2


Place the grated zucchini in a colander, add as much salt as you like and mix with your hands. Let them drain for 20'-25 '

Step 3


Place the grated zucchini on a clean towel and squeeze them with your hands for maximum drying. Then
add them in a medium or large bowl.

Step 4


Add 2 eggs, salt and flour. Feel free to add any herb or spice you like. Mix your ingredients really well! Add enough flour until the mix is shapeable.

Step 5


Add a ton of Feta Cheese or your favourite cheese. The more you add, the more tasty they become

Step 6


Give a shape to your Zucchini mix. I prefer a circular shape cause I can fit more of these babies in my pan.

Step 7


Fry your Zucchini Balls in medium fire for around 3-4 minutes. The fried side should look like this once you flip your Zucchini Balls


Step 8

Let your Zucchini Balls dry on a piece of paper and serve them.
I love eating them with yoghurt and cherry tomatoes!


That's all folks

What do you think about this dish? Have you ever tried making Zucchini Balls?
I am sure you won't regret it if you if you decide to try out my recipe.
Let me know how it went at the comment section bellow.

Thank you all for reading. As a full-time online hustler, supporting my content allows me to keep doing what I love.
Much love to everyone and always have fun.

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Sounds delicious. I will make some when I get home from the lake.


I have a ton (well,about 10 kgs anyway) of zucchini.
I wrote about them yesterday here:

I don't have eggs so I think I'll replace them with chia seeds.

I'll let you know how it works out.

Sounds like a plan man! I do not know how it will turn out with chia seeds but I;ll be waiting for your opinion! Chia seeds are so good for our health!
You can also add some onion! I totally adding some lol!

Have fun at the lake!

It looks delicious and I would have thought it is fried chicken.


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It may just go well with a cup of !BEER

Thanks for the beer man! It was perfect! ehehe!

Hey @knowhow92, here is a little bit of BEER from @dolphin-assemble for you. Enjoy it!

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Step 9 send them to my house :)

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Hahaha! You make some for your wife man!