"Foil-Grilled Haddock コダラのホイル焼き”

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago


"Hoil Grilled Haddock"

I love fish very much. I can't live without fish. I cooked foil-grilled haddock the other day. This is my mother's recipe. When I was around 10-12, my mother started asking me to cook foil-grilled fish when she had evening work at home. She usually prepared everything in the afternoon before her work. I watched her dinner preparation after I came back from elementary school. It looked very fun. Actually, it is fun to prepare a foil-grilled meal.

It is very easy to prepare and cook. Haddock is a very common fish in Nova Scotia, Canada. It tastes very nice. It doesn't have a strong smell much so it is easy to cook. Also, you can put many different kinds of vegetables with fish. It's very healthy because these vegetables steam from the heat. I use butter or cheese but it's not necessary to put any oil. You don't need to put butter or cheese as well. Additionally, salmon would also be great with the foil-grilled style. Eating with soy sauce is very delicious.




About Haddock fishコダラについてはコチラ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haddock

Ingredients for two people 材料 2人分

・Haddock fish×2 コダラ2枚
(Any kind of white fish, salmon, shrimp are good with this style白身魚、鮭、海老なども可)
・Onions 1/2  玉ねぎ1/2
・Carrots 1/2  にんじん1/2
・Mushrooms 3-4  きのこ1−2個
・Potatoes 1  じゃがいも1個
・Cheese or Butter 10g  チーズまたはバター10g
・Salt and Pepper to taste  塩こしょう少々
・Soy sauce if you like  お好みでしょうゆ
(Total cooking time including preparation time is about 35 minutes. 調理時間は準備時間も含めて約35分。)


  1. Chopped and sliced all vegetables and cheese or butter.
  2. Salt and pepper to taste on the haddock.
  3. Put the haddock in the foil.
  4. Put all the vegetables around the haddock. (Cheese or butter should be on the fish to not burn.)
  5. Fold the foil and wrap the fish and vegetables.

1. 野菜とチーズまたはバターを切る。
2. コダラに塩こしょうする。
3. コダラをホイルの上にのせる。
4. 野菜をコダラの周りに置く。(チーズまたはバターは焦げないように魚の上に置く。)
5. ホイルを折って魚と野菜を包み込む。


  1. Put the foil in a pan.
  2. Cook them on high heat for 5-8 minutes.
  3. Check inside and cook them for another 10 minutes on medium heat until totally cooked.

1. ホイルをフライパンにのせる。
2. 強火で5−8分焼く。
3. 中を確認して、さらに10分程中火で完全に火が通るまで焼く。

After cooking, pour soy sauce and eat with rice and soup! This is one of the typical Japanese cuisines. I didn't cook miso soup but people usually eat miso soup with fish. If you don't like foil, you can take everything out.

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