"Japanese Mochi Zouni Soup 雑煮"

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago


"Japanese Mochi Zouni Soup

I made Japanese Zouni soup with mochi for New Year's dinner. What is Zouni(雑煮)? Some people say Ozouni(お雑煮). Zouni is one of Japan’s New Year's dishes. Literally, "Zou(雑)" means mixing many kinds of things, and "Ni (煮)" means boiled in Japanese. People make homemade Zouni. Each area has different ingredients and tastes but usually, boiled vegetables with soy sauce, mirin (sweet cooking sake), and cooking sake with mochi (rice cakes).

My Zouni is originally my grandmother's recipe. Also, I couldn't buy actual ingredients so, I had to customize my grandmother's recipe this time. There are Japanese daikon, mitsuba leaves, chicken, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, chicken, and mochi in my grandmother's Zouni. However, I had to use Chinese cabbage, carrots, eringi (baby king oyster) mushrooms, snap peas, and mochi. It was pretty good I guess. I couldn't buy only chicken bones from the store for making dashi soup. I used chicken with the bones instead. If you use chicken stock, you can make it quicker but I prefer to make soup when I have enough time.

Once you make Zouni, you can eat it for a few days. For example, eat it with mochi simply on the first day. On the second day, you can eat it with soba, ramen or udon noodles or something like that. I also made mochi using gluten-free white sweet rice flour. However, I prefer real mochi. Anyway, I tried to make it pretty close to my grandmother's recipe.





・About zouni 雑煮についてはコチラ:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z%C5%8Dni

Zouni Soup

・Chicken with bones 6-8 for 2-3 people
・Water for making soup
・Cloth for strain soup
・Eringi (baby king oyster) mushroom or shiitake mushroom 3-4
・Snap peas 20g
・Japanese Daikon 1/2 or Hakusai (Chinese cabbage) 1/4
・Carrot 1
・Soy sauce 3-5 tablespoons
・Hondashi (or fish dashi) 2-3 tablespoons
・Mirin (sweet cooking sake) 2-3 tablespoons
・Cooking sake 2-3 tablespoons
・Salt to taste
Note: add seasonings if you like a thicker taste.


・Sweet white rice flour 150-200g
・flour 2-3 tablespoons
・Water for making mochi

Cooking time is about 1 hour and 30 minutes including the preparation time.


・骨つきとり肉 6ー8本 2−3人用
・水 スープ用
・ガーゼ スープをこす用
・エリンギ またはしいたけ 3−4個
・スナップえんどう 20g
・大根 1/2 または 白菜 1/4
・にんじん 1本
・しょうゆ 大さじ3−5
・ほんだし 大さじ2−3
・みりん 大さじ2ー3
・料理酒 大さじ2−3
・塩 少々


・グルテンフリー米粉 150ー200g
・小麦粉 大さじ2−3
・水 もちを作る用



  1. Put the chicken into a big pot.
  2. Add water.
  3. Boil until the chicken becomes totally soft about 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the chicken from the pot.

1. とり肉を大鍋に入れる。
2. 水を加える。
3. とり肉を完全にやわらかくなるまで約30分ほどゆでる。
4. とり肉を取り出す。


  1. Cool the chicken.
  2. Remove the chicken from the bones.

1. とり肉をさます。
2. 肉を骨からはずす。


  1. After finishing boiling the chicken, strain the soup and make it clear with a cloth (strainer is fine).

1. とり肉をゆで終わったら、ガーゼを使ってスープをこす。(ザルでも可)


  1. Add water into the chicken dashi soup.
  2. Add seasoning to the soup.
  3. Boil it at medium heat.

1. とり出汁スープに水を加える。
2. 調味料を加える。
3. 中火で煮る。


  1. Add the chicken.

1. とり肉を加える。


  1. Cut all vegetables.

1. 野菜を切る。


  1. Add carrots into the soup.
  2. Add eringi mushrooms into the soup.
  3. Add hard parts of hakusai.
  4. Add hakusai leaves.
  5. Add snap peas.
    Note: Take out snap peas if you are not going to eat right away after cooking or boil them in a different pot and keep them just before eating.

1. にんじんを加える。
2. エリンギを加える。
3. 白菜のしんを加える。
4. 白菜の葉を加える。
5. スナップえんどうを加える。

The soup is ready!


  1. Put the white sweet rice flour into a bowl.
  2. Add strained flour.
  3. Add water little by little and make it a soft mochi texture.
  4. Mix well.

1. 米粉をボールに入れる。
2. ふるいにかけた小麦粉を加える。
3. やわらかいもち状になるまで水を少しずつ入れる。
4. よく混ぜ合わせる。


  1. Boil hot water in a pot.
  2. Boil mochi (using two spoons is easier to drop mochi into the pot).
  3. Boil it until they float on the surface.

1. 鍋にお湯をわかす。
2. もちをゆでる。(スプーンを2本使うと簡単にもちを落とせます)
3. 表面にもちが浮いてくるまでゆでる。


  1. Move mochi into a strainer and drain the hot water.
    1. もちをザルに上げて湯切りする。


  1. Put mochi in a soup bowl.
  2. Add vegetables and chicken to the mochi.
  3. Add soup.

1. もちをお椀に入れる。
2. 野菜ととり肉をもちの上にのせる。
3. スープをそそぐ。


  1. Put snap peas on top of the soup.

1. スナップえんどうをスープの上にのせる。

I had it with scallop sashimi. It was delicious and made my body warmer!

I love mochi!

My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1


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This is one looks very delicious. I like the soup. With that being said, I will surely give this one a try. Happy New Year from the Philippines!

Thank you! Yes, please try zouni soup when you have a chance. Happy New Year!