"Japanese-Style Hamburg Steak"
Hamburg Steak called Hanbaagu(ハンバーグ) in Japanese is very popular in Japan. Usually, people eat Humburg with rice for dinner and eat it with buns for lunch or snacks. People make homemade Humburg steak and put it in a lunch box as well. Almost all generations love to eat Hamburg steak. There are many Humburg restaurants everywhere.
People use beef, pork, chicken, or Tofu for vegan. Also, there are many toppings on Humburg steaks such as cheese, ground Japanese daikon radish with shiso leaf, fried egg, or more. There are many different types of sauce such as soy sauce-based sauce, tartar sauce, tomato sauce, oyster sauce, demi-glace sauce, and more.
Humburg steak came to Japan in 1882 in the Meiji period. There was a Humburg recipe in a cookbook in 1905 in the Meiji period. Nowadays, Humburg steak is a very popular and reasonable food. I made Japanese-style Humburg steak this time.
・Beef 250-300g (Mix Tofu is also nice)
・Onions 1
・Egg 1
・Garlic 1 piece
・Soy sauce 2 tablespoons
・Panko (Bread crumbs) 2-3 tablespoons
・Salt and pepper to taste
・Oil 1-2 teaspoons
・Ketchup 3-4 tablespoons
・Oyster sauce 2-3 tablespoons
(If you want to add soy sauce 1-2 tablespoons)
・牛の挽肉 250−300g(豆腐を入れてもよい)
・玉ねぎ 1個
・卵 1個
・にんにく 1かけ
・しょうゆ 大さじ2
・パン粉 大さじ2−3
・塩こしょう 少々
・油 小さじ1−2
・ケチャップ 大さじ3−4
・オイスターソース 大さじ2−3
(Cooking time including preparation time is about 30 minutes. 準備時間も含めて調理時間約30分。)
- Cut onion into small pieces. (If you want to cook onion, cook before making Humburg)
- Mix meat (Tofu), egg, panko, onions, soy sauce, and garlic.
- Mix well.
1. 玉ねぎをみじん切りにする。(玉ねぎを先に炒めたい方はここで炒めておく)
2. 牛の挽肉(豆腐)、卵、パン粉、玉ねぎ、しょうゆ、にんにくを入れる。
3. よく混ぜ合わせる。
- Put salt and pepper and mix well.
- Pat well and make some Humburg steaks.
- Make a dimple in the middle of each Humburg steak. (They become juicier this way)
1. 塩こしょうをしてよく混ぜる。
2. よくこねたあと、手の平にぶつけ合うようにたたきながらハンバーグの形にする。
3. 真ん中に少しくぼみをつける。(肉汁を外に逃げにくくするため)
- Heat a pan and pour oil into the pan.
- Put Hamburg into the pan at first at high heat and then medium heat.
- Pour a little bit of water and put a lid on the pan and steam it for a while at medium heat.
- After taking the lid away and cooking at medium heat for a while, check inside with a chopstick.
- If the inside is not raw, it's done.
1. フライパンを熱して油をひく。
2. ハンバーグをはじめは強火で焼いて、さらに中火で焼く。
3. 水を少し入れて蓋をして中火で蒸す。
4. 蓋を取って中火でさらに焼いた後、箸などで焼けているかチェックする。
5. 中が焼けていたらできあがり。
- Using the same pan, put oyster and ketchup.
- Mix well and boil for a while at low heat.
1. 洗わずにそのままフライパンを使って、オイスターソースとケチャップを入れる。
2. 中火で混ぜながら煮詰める。
My husband is cooking for us. My dog is supervising in the kitchen. 主人は焼き係で、犬はキッチンスーパーバイザーです。
A little bit crunchy on the top and looks yummy.
I ate Humburg steak with miso soup, rice, and salad. This looks like a typical Japanese-style Humburg steak.
About Humburg Steak ハンバーグについてはコチラ:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamburg_steak
The steak looks perfectly good. 😋😋😋
Thank you;) It was pretty good!
Hambagu is also my favorite😀 Yummy 😊
Me too! I like it a lot;)
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Thank you!
This looks delicious! I love the little dog waiting for a burger to jump out of the pan, hahahaha, beautiful. Yummy!
Thank you;) Yes, my dog always seeks his chances in the kitchen!
Thank you for this post !!