Oat Based Vegan Plain Yogurt オーツベースのヴィーガンヨーグルト [English and Japanese]

in Foodies Bee Hive3 months ago


Oat Based Vegan Plain Yogurt

I recently wrote about Switching from Dairy Milk to Oat and Almond Milk the other day. Since cutting milk, my upset stomach and heartburn have relaxed a little bit, I think. However, I am still consuming some dairy products, such as butter and yogurt. I’ve been curious about vegan yogurt, but the price has always been a concern for me.

Now, good or bad, our grocery tax is currently free, which gave me a reason to try some pricier products that I had previously hesitated to purchase (on purpose? ). While the food tax has stopped, product prices have changed quite a bit. Some items are on sale, while others have gone up in price.

Nevertheless, I decided to try vegan yogurt anyway and selected Maison Riviera Oat-Based Vegan, Plain.


I really like the product name. “Riviera” originally refers to the coast of Liguria and is now used specifically for the French and Italian Rivieras. It’s also the name of a type of flower, and Riviera flowers are very pretty.

The package design is lovely.


When I opened the yogurt, it looked nice and didn’t have a strong smell. I find that vegan yogurt has a weaker smell compared to dairy yogurt. The texture of this vegan yogurt is much more solid than regular dairy yogurt. It reminded me of soft tofu or Kanten (a type of vegetable gelatin). I think I liked this texture!

The color of the vegan yogurt was somewhere between yellow and light brown, likely due to the oats. At the store, I also noticed soy yogurt and almond yogurt. Since I can’t eat much soy, I plan to try the almond yogurt next time.


For breakfast, I prepared my usual mix of apples, blueberries, bananas, and bitter chocolate granola. It looked very appealing!


The taste was pretty good. I liked it! I don’t mind switching to vegan plain yogurt, even though it’s slightly more expensive than dairy yogurt.

While browsing, I also checked out vegan butter at the supermarket. I’m not a fan of margarine, but I was curious about the vegan butter. Again, it’s a bit pricey, but since I don’t use a lot of butter in my cooking, I wouldn’t mind switching to vegan butter someday soon. I’ll try its taste next time.

I can’t become 100% vegan, but I’ve noticed that dairy products affect my gut health significantly, even though I don’t consume a lot of them.

Recently, I’ve felt my digestion becoming heavier and less smooth, especially after my surgery. It feels like a good time to transition to lighter foods, something I’ve been considering for a while now.

Vegan yogurt is also low in calories, so I don’t have to worry about consuming too many calories. That’s an added benefit!

Japanese 日本語





















Thank you for reading!



That looks mighty good. My usual breakfast is oatmeal, almond milk and banana. Sounds very boring but I like it and its affordable.

Say what!!!?

"our grocery tax is currently free"

Are you in Japan at the moment?

Hi there! Your breakfast sounds very healthy.
I currently live in Canada. The tax break started on December 14 here, but I’m not sure until when it will last. In Japan, they stabilized the food tax but didn’t offer a tax break. We all need a tax break from everything!

Interesting, never heard of a PM doing that. We could all deal with a tax break indeed, especially on crypto taxes in Japan 😄

Yeah the breakfast is healthybuttsometimess the cold food can be boring and wreak a little havoc on the stomach.