Rhubarb Umeboshi Paste Season ルバーブ梅干しペーストの季節です [English and Japanese]

in Foodies Bee Hivelast month (edited)


Rhubarb Umeboshi Paste Season

I made Rhubarb Umeboshi Paste the other day. I posted Rhubarb Jam & Umeboshi Paste Dressing last year.

Every year, I enjoy this season because I can't buy Umeboshi (Japanese pickled plum) here easily. If I am lucky, I can buy them from the restaurant near my house but they are pretty expensive. Also, I can't find plums in this area so, I can't make them by myself. If I had a chance to go to the big city, I could get them from the Asian store but they are also expensive.

Yes, people custom recipes if you can't buy exact ingredients or you can't find exact products living in the different country where you from. This is a common habit for most people I guess. Perhaps, we still think it's not exactly the same as the authentic food but, we enjoy remembering hometown's soul food taste as you know.


For making jam, which I am just about to start, it's fine to use the greenish rhubarb stems because I use brown sugar anyway.

However, when I make Umeboshi paste, I select the red rhubarb stems. When it's young, the stems are usually vividly red, which looks like the colour of pickled Umeboshi.


Cutting rhubarb stems feels very refreshing to me. It's very interesting to hear the sound of chopping them up. Using salt makes rhubarb sour, salty and tasty.

By the way, we must not eat the leaves because they contain poison. I heard that some people use the leaves for dyeing fabric, but I have never tried it yet. Please make sure to research well before using them.


It's very interesting that if I use salt, it becomes sour umeboshi paste, but if I use sugar, it becomes a sweet, tasty jam from the same stems. I am thinking about making a jam soon.


Wow! It looks like the plumed Umeboshi on hot white rice. It was very delicious, especially after sweating a lot while cutting down the tree knocked down by the storm last winter. The salty Umeboshi paste helped relieve my tired feelings. I am planning to make the Umeboshi paste dressing soon, following the recipe that I shared at the top of this blog.

Japanese 日本語



先日、ルバーブの梅干しペーストを作りました。去年作った時に ルバーブ ジャム&梅干しペーストドレッシング について投稿しました。














Thank you for reading!

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That's interesting, I'm always curious about Japanese foods same with Korean, especially the side dishes or those I often see on their meal. There's always a lot in one's plate which is really interesting. This like a seasoned paste that you can eat directly with rice 🤔. And homemade, that's more amazing.

Thanks! I love Korean food as well. Yes, you are right. We often prepare small side dishes for each meal. However, I use one plate instead of many small dishes now to cut my dishwashing time—hahaha. If you visit a Japanese restaurant, as you know, there are many pretty small dishes with tasty side dishes. The traditional style is to prepare at least two or three side dishes with the main dish, rice, and soup. Phew, I can't prepare them for all meals though!

Yeehaw! Keep rustlin' up those delicious recipes with a can-do spirit!

Thank you!

Appreciate your mindful words, partner! Keep spreadin' positivity like sunshine on a prairie. Hope shines brighter than a lone star on a clear night sky.

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