Prepare eggplant curry in a fresh way for lunch...

Hello loving Foodie Hivers,

What's up my friends? I think everuthing are ok for you and doing useful tasks during pandemic period. These days I had free time for doing my interesting activities. But tomorrow onwards our government decided to remove travel restrictions. So we have to work continue all days each week. So I will miss my cooking activities. My loving wife especialy giving me fulfil support to develop my cooking abilities because she perfectly knows that, if she'll being sick or other trouble, I can make meals. I tried to prepare very simple meals and sweets firstly. Then I can expand my limitations. Guys you know about eggplants. It's really nutritious vegetable. There are few eggplants in our home garden.Many Sri Lankans prepare eggplants like as curry or fried. But with my loving wife's idea, she invited to change the recipe and I attended to prepare changebale eggplant curry.


  • Five eggplants
  • Two big onion
  • Garlic
  • Well choped tomatoes
  • Two pieces of curry leaves
  • Rampe leaves
  • Two teaspoons of chili powder
  • One teaspoon of curry powder
  • Tablespoons of turmeric powder
  • Half a teaspoon of mustard powder
  • Quater bottle of coconut Oil
  • Half a tablespoon of salt powder
  • Two teaspoons of sugar


  • 1 cup of melted coconut milk
  • Half a cup of condensed coconut milk


Preparing Method

  • Finely chop all the eggplants. Put it in a small saucepan.

  • Add chopped garlic, onion, rumpe, curry leaves etc. to the sauce and mix well.


  • Take a saucepan and put coconut oil on it. Add the eggplant mixture mixed with it. Fry the eggplant mixture until golden brown.

  • Then take another pan and add 1 cup of melted coconut milk and half a cup of condensed coconut milk.

  • Then add chili powder, curry power, turmeric powder and mustard powder and place on the stove. Then add salt powder.


  • While the mixture is boiling, add the sugar and then add the chopped tomato pieces and stir well.

  • Once it is well boiled, remove from the heat.


Unlike the usual eggplant curry, the eggplant tastes weird after the sugar is added and mashed. It also causes an increase in appetite.


I'm happy saying that, today I could join better cookery class since kitchen who were taught my beloeved wife. I'll prepare more local recipes later through her assistance. So I want to say biggest thanks to her again.

Thanks for reaching. Good day all.


I wish that you and your wife continue to prepare delicious food 👩🏻‍🍳 I have seen many recipes for aubergines but I have never dared to prepare a recipe, I think I will soon. Congratulations on this fabulous recipe! 🥳🥳💃🏻

Thanks your nice wish @dojeda. Yes you can try it and I hope to continue various recipes here. Hive is a perfect place for sharing our experiences like this.


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