in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Most people are bound to eating a particular type of food due to a certain health condition known as diabetes… According to the 7th edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, diabetes is a health condition caused by a lack of insulin, which makes the patient produce a lot of urine and feel very thirsty. On this note, diabetic patients are PREVENTED from eating or drinking anything that contains the most minimal percentage of sugar. They are prone to eating food like plantain, and fruits like cucumber, garden-egg etc… Their body system reacts to anything that contains sugar…
Plantain: This is a sucker plant that is proteinuos and rich in Ion, contains lots of calories, a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. They contain antioxidants, they can support immune function and they may reduce cardiovascular risks…Plantain are of different types, we have over 200 species but I will love to mention just two which are the Horn plantain and the French plantain.
Nutritional Facts: Plantain are very nutritious here are some the nutritional facts:
Calories 122
Amount per 100grams
Sugar 15g 0%
Vitamin C 30%
Magnesium 9% etc.

 I am here to put you through a special recipe to the preparation of what I call plantain fufu:
Plantain fufu is solid meal that is made from green unripe plantain:

Step 1: Peel your plantain


Step 2: Grind it to form a rather sticky and solid paste



Step 3: Put the desired quantity of your paste into water and stir with your hands to blend in and to select all the particles


Step 4: Put your solution on fire and continuously turn to form a solid and your plantain is ready best served with soup…

