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RE: [ES|EN] Stewed fish omelette

Hello @yasern
Your recipe is interesting. I've never seen such a combination before, and I'm curious; Is this a typical dish in your country?
Also, the tortilla fish looks like dried codfish or salt fish. Is it the same?
Ripe fried plantain is one of my favourite foods, and in Jamaica where I am from, codfish is a part of our national dish.
I would try this recipe for sure 👍


It's not a typical dish, it was just an idea that occurred to me, the fish I used is called Carite, but I'm sure that the one you mention looks just as good on you. Greetings!!

Ah, ok! Thanks for telling me about Carite. I just looked it up. It's different, but something tells me that the Carite could be substituted with Codfish.

Very creative of you 🙌