[ES|EN] Stewed fish omelette

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year



¡Hola amigos, felíz martes, el día de hoy les quiero compartir la preparación y tips de cómo hacer una deliciosa tortilla de pescado guisado con extra de plátano frito!

Los ingredientes utilizados para esta receta son:

  • 3 huevos grandes

  • 150 gr de pescado guisado

  • 1 plátano frito

  • ¼ taza de aceite

  • Sal

Hello friends, happy Tuesday, today I want to share with you the preparation and tips on how to make a delicious fish stew tortilla with extra fried plantain!

The ingredients used for this recipe are:

  • 3 large eggs
  • 150 grams of fish stew
  • 1 fried plantain
  • ¼ cup of oil
  • Salt


Lo primero que haremos es pelar el plátano y freírlo en tajadas, luego, vamos a separar las yemas de las claras de los huevos. De esta manera, llenaremos de aire las claras batiendo con constancia hasta que queden a punto de nieve.

The first thing we will do is peel the plantain and fry it in slices, then, we will separate the yolks from the whites of the eggs. In this way, we will fill the egg whites with air, beating constantly until they are stiff.


Luego, rápidamente echaremos las yemas y batiremos de forma envolvente, para agregar sal al gusto, el pescado y los plátanos fritos. Echamos esta mezcla en el sartén caliente y tapamos, de esta forma el aire que incorporamos en las claras harán que la tortilla quede inflada o gordita. Y ya sólo debemos esperar que se cocine para voltear y servir.

Then, quickly add the egg yolks and beat in an enveloping way, to add salt to taste, the fish and the fried plantains. Pour this mixture into the hot frying pan and cover it, this way the air that we incorporate in the egg whites will make the omelet puffy or plump. Now all we have to do is wait for it to cook, flip and serve.


Este fué el resultado final, espero les guste y les sea de utilidad estos tips que hoy les traigo para hacer tortillas perfectas!

This was the final result, I hope you like it and find useful these tips that I bring you today to make perfect tortillas!



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Hello @yasern
Your recipe is interesting. I've never seen such a combination before, and I'm curious; Is this a typical dish in your country?
Also, the tortilla fish looks like dried codfish or salt fish. Is it the same?
Ripe fried plantain is one of my favourite foods, and in Jamaica where I am from, codfish is a part of our national dish.
I would try this recipe for sure 👍

It's not a typical dish, it was just an idea that occurred to me, the fish I used is called Carite, but I'm sure that the one you mention looks just as good on you. Greetings!!

Ah, ok! Thanks for telling me about Carite. I just looked it up. It's different, but something tells me that the Carite could be substituted with Codfish.

Very creative of you 🙌

Hola @yasern, se ve muy deliciosa la tortilla, me encanta cuando tienen tajadas, es un toque dulce muy irresistible.
Saludos desde Margarita. 🌸🌼🌺

Gracias por leer mi post, saludos!!✨

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