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RE: Blanching tomatoes

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

I'll take shots later. But I canned the damn things, hot packed, boiled filled mason jars in a canner long enough for a seal to form

Today I spread the peeled and quartered pieces out on a sheet pan and put them in the freezer to freeze. I will break them up and put them in a container after they are frozen so that I can pull out a few chunks.

I mean I DON'T EAT TOMATOES except for very fresh and mostly raw in the summer. All this preserving is going to necessitate that I find new ways to eat tomatoes.


OIC!!! I can take fresh maters, stew them served over rice, blended into a tomato sauce (that reminds me, I need to get back out there and cook this spaghetti squash)... oh good lord there are so many ways to eat a good tomato!