Rene Made Dish Fancy

The Movement Control Order has made René creative when we are all locked down at home.


Everyday it has become her determination and mission to cook something "fancy" as long as she can still wake up in the morning and thank Jesus about it.

This is day 40 for all of us not able to go out; but we thank God that our daughter got a place that has a Grocer downstairs; at least René can still go get vegetables every few days while our daughter rushes work at home.

Although it is not a safe option but we have washable masks now and she will always shower and wash her clothes the moment she's home while the rest of us sanitise the items she bought.

Our surgeries could be delayed further in the amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, but we really hope it can be over soon.

🙏🏼 for Rene's eye could stay healthy.

We are literally "walking" through the shadows and death, confined at home.

Philip and Rene


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