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RE: Horseshoe-shaped coconut bites

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year

Well isn't this just beautiful to look at? And I'm sure it very tasty as well.

You should definitely come join us tomorrow for #creative-sunday at the Hive Learners community to share more amazing recipes like this. I also will be nominating this post for some upvotes from them (@lazy-panda).

Here's a link to read more about #creative-sunday, and don't worry about the verification part for now. You can do that later in the week after participating tomorrow.


You should definitely come join us tomorrow for #creative-sunday at the Hive Learners community to share more amazing recipes like this. I also will be nominating this post for some upvotes from them (@lazy-panda).

Very much appreciated, thank you for bringing that out, had no idea and sounds fun! (:
Many thanks for sharing @lazy-panda 💫

You can do that later in the week after participating tomorrow.

Luckily there will be more sunday's, see you around!