DAUPHINOISE POTATO : My style of making this French Classic - Progressivechef's touch!

If you go on the net and search for Dauphinoise Potato recipe...you'll find thousands of different ones...some will turn out good others will be catastrophic if you try it at home!!!

That's why today I want to share my way of doing this French classic based on the real recipe I did couple of days ago for my family!

It came out super yummy and everyone was praising it...so let's store this recipe on the Hive Blockchain forever!





  • Potatoes - Peeled and cut in thin slices
  • Cooking cream
  • Whole Eggs
  • Thym
  • Chopped Garlic
  • Nutmeg
  • Cheese - Grated Mozarella and Cheddar
  • Salt and Pepper


Steps of Preparation

  1. Break the eggs and put in a mixing bowl. For each liter of cream, I used 5 whole eggs.
  2. Add the chopped garlic and thyme. Whisk everything well together.
  3. Grate some nutmeg and add to the eggs mixture.
  4. Add the cooking cream and season with salt & pepper.
  5. Mix everything well together and reserve for later use.



  1. Grease a baking tray with some butter.
  2. Start placing a layer of thinly cut potatoes at the bottom.
  3. Fill the baking tray with the first layer of potatoes.
  4. Spread the grated Mozzarella and Cheddar on the potatoes layer.


  1. Pour the eggs and cream mixture that we prepared above till the potatoes are well covered.
  2. Place another layer of potatoes and repeat the same process as above till the tray is 3/4 full. (I did 3 layers of potatoes in my recipe)
  3. Cover again with the eggs and cream mixture each time and on the last one, you can add some paprika. And it's ready to bake in the oven!


Cover the tray with aluminum foil and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees celcius.

I covered it for the first 20 minutes so that the top layer doesn't get burnt and everything has a uniform temperature and cooks perfectly everywhere.


After 20 minutes, take off the aluminum foil and let cook for a further 15 minutes at 170 degrees celcius until you get a nice golden brown coloration.



Et voilà...our Dauphinoise Potato is ready!

It is best if you let it rest for 15 minutes before eating!

We all had this dish for dinner that day and it was just super delicious!

The potatoes cooked just as it should and the eggs and cream mixture was soft after cooking - like it must be!


How did you find my Dauphinoise Potato recipe!?

Have you ever cooked it at home, was it a success!?

Please do drop a comment below and share your stories or any tips you may have to further help those who will try this yummy dish at home.

Wish you all a wonderful day/evening ahead!
Stay Awesome!
Thank you!




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Thanks for sharing the recipe to us. It is truly a mouth-watering. I am starving as I read this article.