Spice Up Your Palate: Homemade Bombay/Naga Chilli Pickle Recipe Unveiled!

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago

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Get ready to elevate your dining experience with the piquant allure of homemade Bombay/Naga Chilli Pickle!

Embark on a culinary adventure with this spicy Pickle recipe, a fiery delight for spice enthusiasts. Bursting with bold flavors, this pickle is a staple in Bangladeshi cuisine, elevating everyday meals to new heights.

Follow the step-by-step guide to create this tantalizing condiment that adds a kick to your rice and curry dishes.


  • 100g Bombay or Naga Chillis
  • Deshi Garlic (Keep the skin)
  • 1 cup Mustard Oil
  • 1 teaspoon Panch Phoran (Five Spices)
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin
  • A small piece of Tamarind
  • 1 teaspoon Turmeric Powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 2/3 tablespoons Sugar (adjust to taste)


Step 1: Preparing Chillis


Wash and thoroughly dry the chilis. Ensure they are completely moisture-free to prevent mold in the pickle.
Slit the chilis lengthwise, creating a pocket for the masala.


Step 2: Preparing Mustard Oil

Heat the mustard oil until it reaches its smoking point.
Let it cool to room temperature. This reduces the pungency of the oil.


Step 3: Cooking the pickle

Mix the tamarind pulp, turmeric powder, salt, and sugar to create a thick, consistent paste.
Stuff each chili with this mixture, ensuring they are well-coated.


Step 4: Tempering with Panch Phoran and Cumin

In a separate pan, heat a tablespoon of the cooled mustard oil.
Add Panch Phoran & cumin, and let it splutter.
Pour this tempering over the stuffed chilis.



Step 6: Maturing the Pickle

Place the stuffed chilis in a clean, dry glass jar.
Pour the remaining mustard oil over the chilis, ensuring they are fully immersed. Seal the jar tightly.

Keep the jar in direct sunlight for at least 5-7 days. This allows the pickle to mature. Shake the jar daily to ensure an even coating of oil and masala.


This Bombay/Naga Chilli Pickle bursts with bold, fiery flavors. The combination of mustard oil, Panch Phoran, and tamarind creates a unique taste profile.

The spice level is intense, making it a perfect accompaniment for bland rice and curry dishes. The infusion of flavors enhances the overall meal experience, turning an ordinary lunch or dinner into a taste extravaganza.

I hope you enjoyed the recipe. Try it if you are a spice lover.

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Good morning dear friend @rem-steem how are you?
In Argentina we don't usually eat very spicy foods, but this one looks so exquisite that I would love to try it.
Thank you very much for sharing the ingredients, and the preparation method.
Exquisite, invites us to sit at the table and try
have a great day

It's very spicy, if you love spicy food then probably you will like the taste as well. Thanks :)

I have never tried making pickle, I guess I am going to start with this recipe of yours.

You can follow the recipe and make any kind of pickles with it, like mango or plum fruit, etc.

Thank you, I will try it out with mango.

Wow! This is the first time that I have ever seen this kind of recipe. Thank you for sharing. I have this bookmarked for later reference.

Thanks for your compliment. :)

Oh wow, that looks so spicy, yet so good. I'm a lightweight in spicy foods, but this looks so appetizing, and I can see how it can elevate regular curry dishes.

It's super spicy so you may not gonna enjoy it or who knows! 😁😁

These are really great ingredients that will lead to sweet foods 🤤

I hope so :)

Looks good but I'm not so much into spicy foods.

That's okay. Thanks for the compliment.

This is a good combination I must say.

Indeed it is. Thanks.

You are welcome


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People in our country like to eat pickles very much and it is eaten with roti in the afternoon, it is sour and very tasty.

Good to know that.