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RE: Real and good fast food

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Sweet potatoes are probably the only healthy type of food I'm addicted to, I don't even need to cook it or add spices. I just boil it and then fry it a bit for a slightly burnt taste, and then I'll just devour 2 to 3 of them in one go haha.

Yet, nowadays I'm relying on fast food a bit more than I ever have; I guess it's that way because of a "rushed" lifestyle and being too lazy to prepare food. Always feeling burnt out at the end of the day, so even if I have the time and all the ingredients to prep up something healthy, I just choose not to; mostly taking the easy takeaways or just ordering food at home. But I do try to balance it all out, can't have my tummy bursting out of my pant's waistline haha.

Luckily, there are some restaurant that have healthy options on the menu as well, for a fairly affordable price too; so, those are usually the meals that balance it out, from a high caloric mess of an option, to something well balanced and nutritious. And this method right here has been helping me maintain my weight, while also holding the habit of maintaining balance when it comes to dieting.


Hey totally agree! Balance is the key and as you say nowadays some restaurants have also healthy options for those moments that really we can't handle it. And it's true, sweet potatoes can be eaten in any way, always a delicious taste, I also love them but here (maybe too much hot summer) there weren't much until these days, so now time for sweet potatoes!!

so now time for sweet potatoes!!

Now is definitely the time, they're mostly available from October to February, when we're going through winter over here. So, I guess I'll be hopping back on my sweet potatoes diet haha.

We will enjoy now the sweet potatoes season!!! 😁✌️