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RE: Rainbow Log (Grape Jelly Swiss Roll Cake)

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

There's stuff that can be done. Most basic ones being gentle push back and malicious compliance :)

So much red and blue would be so bad for my youngest XD

he's gotten a lot better with it and knows how to manage so well now that he claims he's not affected by it anymore, doesn't realise I can still tell

It looks delicious!


Aah! Allergies?

Yeah, food colors arent so healthy, they just make baked goods prettier and catchy to the eyes

I tried using powdered natural food coloring. Sometimes they worked well, but other time meh 🤪

I always just referred to them as reactions because I associate food allergies with a very specific set of reactions but they could be food allergies XD

Some friends have said similar things about natural food colouring, a lot of the complaints are they're just not as bright.