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RE: Greek Salad with Button Mushrooms

I love salads, used to be a staple packed lunch item when the kids were little and we were going out a lot more regularly than we do now XD

Snailmail only happens when someone orders something here. I used to write lots of letters to my uncle and aunty in Melbourne, and also to a penpal whom I can't remember where she was from, I want to say NSW maybe, they petered out as we got older, and finally stopped when I was at uni. Penpal and I tried to keep it up for a while but we were both moving around a bit so we tried switching to email, and then that just stopped too.

Amusingly I don't know how popular the penpal idea would be in this day and age or if people would be freaking out too much about one of the random psychos on every corner knowing your address and coming to stalk you XD


Oh definitely not popular at all. Much easier using the net and phone now 😆 Luckily my penpal group is a recipe sharing group, so its also for collecting recipes for us 😁😁😁😁