Sunday is the homeless meal here, and we have found an inside location!

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

The mayor hates the homeless and has basically declared war on them, by seizing their limited possessions!

We have found an area he has been unable to clean out, where we can still feed them, because they have hidden better. We are also lucky that we have an inside location where we can set up to feed now.

We placed these all over the area:
I'm not sure what turnout we will have, but this is our best shot at keeping the homeless meal working.

We will have a good menu:
Chili, Mac & cheese, sweet corn, beef stew, chicken and rice, potato soup, and dessert.

We aren't sure on turnout, so we have to hope we have enough. Please pray for our success, and for a good turnout!


In OKC the catholics rent the community center in Wiley Post park to do their feed on Sundays.
Maybe a similar place in Tulsa is an option for you?

The church took over a food bank, so we have indoor access there.

The Denver house where we were feeding, decided to use their van to bring the people we were feeding, to the new location. Beginning to work....


I look forward to checking it out.
I pass through there on occasion.

You would be welcome to come on by... we'd be happy to hand you a spoon! They are good people in a bad spot, and it is humbling to feed them.

We feed on the last Sunday of the month, so next time you're through here....


Glad you have an undercover area now and hope the meal goes well.

Food mostly cooked, hoping for the best!
