Bread and Coffee: My Kind of Breakfast <3

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago

Good morning world!
It's another day to live... the moment we open our eyes, we should be grateful for having another chance to enjoy the beauty of life.

My way of starting it is with a yummy brekky so I can have energy for my morning classes. And here's my typical breakfast. :)


Well, I don't usually have jam... but we bought some a few days back, so it'll be like this for the days to come. ^^


Coffee is the most essential part of my breakfast. We usually just buy instant coffee from Pan de Manila. We don't have coffee maker or whatnot, but there are a lot of interesting flavors from this bakeshop. This time, I'm having "Cafe con Leche". At first I thought it would be sweet, but it isn't that sweet and you can still taste the bitterness of coffee. I like it... and the smell is really good. <3


For my bread, I had one piece pandesal and a couple pieces of biscocho. Biscocho is a dry and oven-baked bread coated with butter and sugar. It's common in the Philippines and my papa usually buys it, so we can enjoy it for breakfast though some people have this for their snacks as well.




The jam we bought last time was this triple berry jam. It's a combination of blueberry, strawberry and raspberry. It's really an interesting combination. They used all natural sources for this jam, so you can still see and eat bits and pieces of the berries. I especially like blueberry. <3

I used it by spreading into my pandesal, but if I don't have any spreads at home, we can enjoy eating pandesal by dipping it on coffee or hot chocolate. I'm the only person who has coffee in my family, but my parents love drinking hot cocoa. <3

And that's it for my typical breakfast. I'm now ready to face my morning students!!! See you around! (^^,)/

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Nice.. :) Have a great one! ^^