Chinese Long Beans Soup (Sayur Lodeh)

Hi Lovelies!

Watched anything good on Netflix, lately? I need recommendations. I watch just about any genres 😊 Sometimes, trying to decide what to watch, takes so much time with the scrolling up and down and whatnot, in the end, that's it, time is up 😅 I am on night shift this week, so I have a couple of H to spend before leaving for work, daily. I wanna watch something good for those hours 😁

Back to school for the kids today. They weren't happy, since today is -35C, AT LAST. Winter is here finally, but it's 1st day of school, so yeah, they weren't ready for the extreme coldness 🤪 I don't blame them

Today's recipe share is sooo perfect for cold Winter. It is Indonesian, rich with fat and protein plus fiber. Things we need for surviving extreme weather 😍


300-500 g ground beef
1 small onion
5 garlic
5 candlenut (no subs)
2 bird eye chilies
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/4 tsp ground coriander
A small pinch of galangal powder
1 bag Chinese Long Beans
2 eggplants
1 can green jackfruit
1 can black beans
1 can coconut milk (400 ml)
Enough water (watch vlog)
2 salam leaves (Indonesian bay leaf)
Vegeta powder to taste

Brown beef, set to side
Quarter egg plants, set to side,
Slice long beans into finger sticks, set to side
Rinse black beans, set to side
Rinse jack fruit, set to side




Make paste out of onion, garlic chilies, and candlenut, with a little water if needed
Saute paste, turmeric galangal, and coriander until fragrant, stir in veggies
Pour coconut milk and enough water to cover the veggies, bring to boil


Add in ground beef and black beans, season and drop in salam leaves.
Cook until long beans softened


Serve as is or eith warm rice. So good 😍


Of you like k drama I have a lot of recommendations but also bodies ( mystery thriller), You and many others thrillers series, just ask, have you any kind of fav genre? By the way the soup look so good I'm a big fan of soups ❤️❤️

Is Bodies on Netflix? I heard so much about it. Imma look up!

Amusingly my sister was saying the same thing yesterday about taking so much time trying to find something to watch XD

Meanwhile I don't have that problem as I have too many other things to do x_x

and then I get annoyed when they put on something to watch as it distracts me a lot from something I'm trying to do, for some reason I can background music and docos but movies are exceptionally distracting, probably because they go out of their way to try to hang on to your attention

You know what, i often dont watch them, i need the background noise, be it for folding clothes or napping 🤣🤣🤣🤣 thats why i like tv series, because it lasts longer during my looooong nap 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 as soon as a movie done, id wake up, so id rather watch tv series 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I kind of like background noise as the background noise for the most part XD otherwise I use music as for whatever reason movies and tv shows in the background really, really annoy me x_x

My sister was trying to make sense out of why and couldn't either XD

I don't even know why it annoys me so much


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