Garlicky Chicken Mushroom

Happy Saturday!

Happy I don't work today! Some part of Canada is -64C today, yikes! From Monday to Friday I was working outside, in -47C. That was crazy enough, even my ninja mask cpildnt help warming the nose and cheek. My fingers were hurting too, so can't imagine working in -64C 🥶🥶🥶🥶

Cold snap always bringing the extreme cold days, and we wondered where winter was back in December 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now we got what you wished for 😅🥶😅🥶

I hope in your part of the world, it's warmer than ours, and wherever you are, stay safe in whatever weather conditions you have ❤️

For today's recipe, is a simple stir fry that is good to have with a bowl of warm rice 😊


1 lbs skinless boneless chicken breast
1 box of button mushrooms
1 head of garlic
2 tbsp unsalted butter
1/4 c water
Maggi liquid seasoning
3 Green onion


1 tbsp cornstarch
2 tsp chicken bouillon powder
A generous pinch of white pepper powder
1 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tsp red wine vinegar
2 tbsp kecap manis (Indonesian sweet soy sauce)

Cube chicken and place in a bowl. Marinade chicken in mixture of cornstarch, bullion powder, white pepper, oyster sauce, vinegar, and sweet soy sauce, for an H or overnight. You can freeze it as well until ready to cook, just defrost and cook 😊



Quarter or slice the mushrooms, set to side. Slice green onion, set to side.

Melt butter on non stick pan and saute garlic. You can leave them whole or slice them for stronger flavor.


Ads in marinated chicken and stir. Pour in water.

Season with Magi seasoning, adjust flavoring (add more kecap manis, white pepper, oyster sauce if needed).


Stir in mushroom, cook for 2 mins, then stir in green onion.



Serve immediately with warm rice.



This is really good. Gosh, I feel like I can taste it. The video is really explanatory, and so is the text shared.

Thank you.

Come give the recipe a try 😊

I am trying it out soon. Thank you.

Let me know the result 😊

I sure will

@edwing357 says - excellent friend thank you for always sharing your varieties 😊

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