Christmas long gone really? What great food we made, not the same as always.

in Foodies Bee Hive5 months ago

Hello, my dear friends here on Hive Community.

It's has been a while since I wrote again. I hope that I could write more this year though.

Happy New Year to you all. I hope that you guys will be Blessed this year with all the things you want. It was a busy time like last year's Christmas and I can't believe 2023 is gone. It's scary how time goes by so quickly.

I know that Christmas is gone but I was so busy at least I took some photos of the food we ate haha.

On Christmas Eve we had a braai unfortunately I didn't take photos of how everything was made my dad and mom made all the salads before. But I took a photo when we ate.

There was a nice potato Salad some noodle salad and a beef kabab. That was a very nice plate of food.

We didn't cook a lot of food for Christmas. We brought some platters for Christmas day. A sweet platter and a salty one.

The sweet platter had many different kinds of sweet things in it as you can see on the picture. The kids was around this platter including my husband haha.

The salty platter we made at home the lady gave us it frozen. We made it in the oven and some in a little bit of oil not much.

We also made some boiled eggs with a filling in.
Firstly you boil the eggs until the yellow are cooked hard. I normally cook the eggs for about 8 minutes when the water starts to boil.

After the eggs was boiled and removed the skin I cut it half and took out the yellow. When all the eggs were done I made a sauce for the yellow eggs.

I used
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons of woesthersauce
1/2 teaspoon of mustard
Salt and pepper for taste
1 tablespoon of tomato sauce.
Add everything to the yellow egg and mix well

I also add some parsley for a bit of coloring and taste.

I mixed it and then scooped it in the empty egg white.

Next up we made the nice toothpick sticks with red and yellow small onions with cheese and Viannas.

Well all the food was done and ready to eat.
I hope that you guys will have a wonderful week and God bless you all.


Dit lyk net te lekker!

Jy moet bietjie kyk op @braaiboy se blog, hy doen n Daily Flame post waar jy jou Braai fotos kan pos en dan is daar n kans om n HSBI te wen elke dag!

Thanks for the shoutout @zakludick ... en ja, @tigermom ... kom maak 'n draai daar by die #dailyflame om my blog (gaan kyk op "all posts" want hulle is nie op my hoof blog nie) - Soos Zak sê: daar is elke dag 'n nuwe kompetisie.

🔥 🔥 🔥

Hey @braaiboy ja sure ek sal bietjie kyk na jou posts baie dankie vir die upvotes waardeer dit baie. 😉

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