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RE: Cooking my favorite recipe: Fricassee of Sheep

in Foodies Bee Hive7 months ago

How nice what you tell me about your dad and his care to prepare nutritious food that will bring health to the body. Many people in the world eat junk food that does not contribute anything to the body.
Thanks for sharing that recipe about the lamb, I will try to make it and see how it turns out.
Happy journey.
Cheers and best regards.


Dad had a small garden planted many of our fruits and vegetables, never bought food that I can remember when growing up.

Lamb chops so expensive here of late I try treat myself to them once a month, leg of lamb I have not bought in over twenty years most probably.

His father was a wise man. Over here the prices of that meat and everything in general is quite high too. Thanks for sharing. Cheers and best regards.