Chicken thigh mushrooms mixed with onions and laksa leaves


Hello Hiver! How is going? Are you good today? As you know chicken thigh mushrooms are one of the nutritious mushrooms and are used to prepare many delicious dishes. The dishes made from chicken thighs have an attractive and irresistible taste. Chicken thigh mushrooms when eaten are very sweet, crunchy, so there are many ways to prepare them, suitable for both vegetarian and savoury dishes. My whole family is quite fond of chicken thigh mushrooms, so I often buy them to cook, process them into many dishes to change the taste, one of the simplest dishes is chicken thigh mushrooms mixed with onions and laksa leaves, this dish is eaten as a dish. Salad, crispy-chewy taste of mushrooms combined with laksa leaves, salty, spicy, never bored. So today I will share with you the recipe. I hope this recipe useful to you.




  • 500g of fresh chicken thigh mushrooms
  • 1/2 onion
  • Laksa leaves
  • Accompanying seasoning: salt, seasoning, pepper, chilli powder.


Step 1:. Buy fresh chicken thigh mushrooms, soak in dilute salt water for 10 minutes, rinse. Slice the mushrooms into slices, not too thin or too thick.




Step 2: Boil the mushrooms until they are cooked.



Step 3: Remove the mushrooms to drain and start mixing.

  • Add spices including 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon MSG, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder, 1 teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar, onions Thinly sliced ​​potatoes, mix to infuse flavours.






Step 4: Add laksa leaves and sliced ​​chilli and you're done.


This dish is simple and extremely quick, easy to eat but very delicious, very suitable for making anti-boring dishes or cooking vegetarian meals on full moon days for the family. Thanks for reading my post ☺️




Nhìn hấp dẫn quá chị. Lần đầu em biết món này đó

Chị cũng mới biết gần đây đó. Ngon lắm nè, bữa nào thử nhé

They look really great and amazing. Please can I get hold of that meal so I can devour it

Haha.. Thank you for the praise. It's great that you like it.

Yes o. You are welcome

wow I'm going to try the recipe, it looks very good

Thank you for the praise. Hope you will succeed 😍

I like it I love chicken I will try your recipe look easy and not heavy , I really enjoy your post.

Thanks so much. Haha... It's great that you like it. 😊 Have a nice day

looking tasty, dear. I wish I could eat the food you just made

Thanks my love 😍

I really love chicken thigh mushrooms 😊

Yeah. So let's try it. 😋

Đơn giản, dễ làm ha

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