3 ways to prepare broccoli 🥦

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago (edited)


Here’s a joke: What’s the difference between broccoli & boogers? Kids will eat their book gets!

Fortunately, my young nieces & nephews are exceptional, that way, and enjoy veggies — even broccoli… even at one and two years of age!

I had an aversion to it, till my mid twenties, because of its smell when boiled. But, now I love it.

If you do not care to boil it, try steaming it. Either in a steamer or with a little water and in a bowl in the microwave. The time will vary, depending on the amount of broccoli & size of it. But, shoot for around 10 minutes on the stove or 5 minutes in a microwave.

You’ll know it’s ready when it turns a deep green. Try not to overcook.

My favorite way to prepare it, is oven roasted and topped with cheese (mozzarella & Parmesan).

Preheat oven to 400, wash and broccoli and lay flat on a baking pan. Drizzle with olive oil and spice to your taste (salt, pepper, garlic, maybe, lemon juice).

Now, place in oven and cover with tinfoil for about 15 minutes. Remove foil, stir, sprinkle cheese on top and return to oven for around another 5 minutes. Watch it, so it does not burn.


As you can see, above, I served this delicious, nutritious side with pasta, and air fried chicken I prepared, alongside boiled corn and a Thai green curry sauce. Yum 😋


I love broccoli, the way you prepared it looks delicious, congratulations, my favorite way to eat them is baked au gratin.

Yes, baked au gratin is wonderful. Glad you enjoyed post & that you have a healthy diet :)

Tomorrow, I might prepare Brussel sprouts in the air fryer —- such nutty goodness!

Did you see the news a few weeks ago that sulforaphane, a natural compound in broccoli and other Cruciferous veggies, might be effective in fighting covid? https://www.yahoo.com/now/broccoli-day-keeps-covid-colds-080000995.html

For those who don't care for broccoli, have you ever tried broccoli sprouts? They are great on salads and in sandwiches. They taste a bit like radishes but its not a super strong taste. Give them a try!

You will want to research sulforaphane if you care about optimum health. In addition to helping with covid, its said to help with the common cold and some forms of cancer. Some research shows this but more needs to be done. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulforaphane

Thanks for the post my friend. Your meals featuring broccoli look delicious! :)

Thank you, for the education, Kenny; I, now, love broccoli more! Also, I did not know those were broccoli sprouts! I've enjoyed them in salads and sandwiches, and will be on the lookout for them next time I go grocery shopping. Stay healthy & happy, friend :)