
Hello hivers❤, It your favorite blogger @yusufkenny.Am here to teach my fellow hivers❤ the best and easy way to prepare spaghetti either at home,shop e.t.c..

Spaghetti is a meal that is very easy to cook with less stress and also can be ready for consumption in a very short period of time.Is a very good substitute for noodles and also more matured compared to noodles.

We benefit a lot from consuming a healthy spaghetti that is well cooked in a hygienic manner. It also a food that can serve as appetizer and proper male.





  • Spaghetti
  • Salt
  • Vegetable oil
    *Green& Red bell pepper
  • Onions
  • Seasoning
  • Ginger and garlic
  • Cray fish
  • Tomato paste
  • grinded pepper combination

We start the process by putting water on the fire,Add salt to it(depends on the quantity of spaghetti you are cooking) with little vegetable oil.Allow the water to boil very well before putting the spaghetti inside.After you put the spaghetti in the water you leave it for five minutes, the you stir will repeat this process four times.
The spaghetti is ready to take out from the water(don't let it over soft). Then you pour the spaghetti inside filter to separate the spaghetti from water, Then you rinse the spaghetti with a very clean water and u leave it inside the filter to drain.

You put a clean pot on fire, allow the oil to hot a little Then you pour your onions.Allow it to fry for a minutes.Then you add the grinded pepper(with ginger and garlic inside), you add Tomato paste. Allow it to fry for 3 minutes, then u add the seasoning and cray fish.



After you add the spaghetti to it, Stir very well till the colour rhymes and the seasoning goes round. Then you can add the vegetable cuttings like tomato and red&green bell pepper. mix very well, your Jollof spaghetti is ready.



Is it not easy and fast to make, My lovely hivers❤?

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Your favorite blogger @yusufkenny✌✌❤❤❤💯....


Whilst growing up, spaghetti was one of the toughest meal to cook honestly and I didn't like it then but having seen various methods,it now seem to be the easiest and one of my favorite 😍

Yes it very easy @wildthougts.
Thanks for the contribution.

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