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RE: In den Naturpark Neckartal Odenwald soll eine Legehennen Batterie für 15000 Hühner gebaut werden - A petition against factory farming in my area. A "concentration camp" for 15000 hens is planned in a recreational area!

in Deutsch D-A-CH3 years ago

What have you done there?

Yah that is just cruel. This is not even needed, it's just a money making shit place where poor animals are tortured for the greed of people.

There is no place for stuff like that on this planet anymore.

I'm really upset.

There is another project next to the river where they started to tear down this place, which used to be a famous restaurant, to build an ugly 5 story hotel.



The residents will have no view anymore because it will be placed in front of their houses. I just signed a petition yesterday against that project too.

Sucks bad all of that shit!


Yup, the turkey farms are just as bad or worse. Kept packed together inside large barns like sardines, never seeing sunlight so their feathers don't even get color until they are gathered and slaughtered for Thanksgiving sales. I'm not a vegetarian by any stretch, but that sure turned me off.

Humans suck 😩