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RE: CineTV Contest - Dream Remake - 1997's CONSPIRACY THEORY, starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts

in CineTV2 years ago (edited)

Perhaps in the future nothing will be real. Whether in the mind or in physical reality, bread and circuses remain bread and circuses, and people would rather have bad entertainment than none at all.

This is very true, there are many movies that entertain, but they are very bad and exaggeratedly fantastical, especially in cases where they pose theoretically possible scenarios, only in the fantasy genre impossible things like magic or mythological animals are accepted, to name a few.

A few days ago I went to see Jurassic World: Dominion and it was disappointing, I expected more, I saw it very flat, I felt I wasted my time, nothing like the first trilogy.


Sorry to hear that about "Jurassic World: Dominion." That movie did appear to be another one of those cookie-cutter franchise cash-grabs but I was hoping it'd be a little more interesting than the last one -- the one about them trying to save dinosaurs from a volcano or something like that.
One of my favorite dinosaur movies is "We're Back! A Dinosaur Story." It's from 1993 so it's a bit dated and it's an animated movie but I recently rewatched it and was surprised with how much better story-telling was back then. If you're looking for a more serious movie about big monsters, I'd recommend 2010's "Monsters," 2008's "Cloverfield," or 2014's "Godzilla."

Of the three you recommend I have only seen Godzilla 2014, I liked it, the others I will look for them to see how they are.