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RE: CineTV Contest - Dream Remake - 1997's CONSPIRACY THEORY, starring Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts

in CineTV2 years ago

Sorry to hear that about "Jurassic World: Dominion." That movie did appear to be another one of those cookie-cutter franchise cash-grabs but I was hoping it'd be a little more interesting than the last one -- the one about them trying to save dinosaurs from a volcano or something like that.
One of my favorite dinosaur movies is "We're Back! A Dinosaur Story." It's from 1993 so it's a bit dated and it's an animated movie but I recently rewatched it and was surprised with how much better story-telling was back then. If you're looking for a more serious movie about big monsters, I'd recommend 2010's "Monsters," 2008's "Cloverfield," or 2014's "Godzilla."


Of the three you recommend I have only seen Godzilla 2014, I liked it, the others I will look for them to see how they are.