CineTV Contest: Favorite Tom Hanks movie: The Da Vinci Code

in CineTV2 years ago

Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon


The expert in symbols Robert Langdon, attending the presentation of his book in France, is called by the French police to act as a consultant in a murder case of strange circumstances. There he meets Sophie, a cryptographer, who reveals that the inspector in charge of the case took him there thinking that Robert is the murderer and hoping that he will say something to incriminate him; then Sophie helps him escape to try to take him to his embassy, but not being able to get there, they have no choice but to try to solve the riddle posed in the final message of the murdered, who was Sophie's grandfather... riddle that will lead them to perform a millennial search for a very valuable object...

Robert Langdon

The important thing about Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon is that Robert is neither a superhero nor someone with a quirky personality, nor does he have any particularities that make him stand out from the others... except, of course, his expertise in his subject, symbology. I think that playing a normal person without coming across as either overacted or underacted (being too expressionless) is one of the most difficult things in acting, and Tom Hanks does it excellently here: he is dazed in dazed situations, he is courageous but his fear shows, he adequately manifests, without being a Sherlock Holmes, his inner detective (while this is a thriller, the underlying and driving plot is the enigma whose clues begin with the death message from Sophie's grandfather), and shows his apprehension, disappointment and then near despair after the revelation of Leigh's identity, but coming out of that situation both with the ability to call upon his expertise to solve the cryptex at the moment of greatest pressure and with the cunning of how to save himself and Sophie from Leigh.

On the other hand, he is accompanied by other great acting performances: that of Audrey Tautou as Sophie Neveu and, above all, that of Ian Mckellen playing Leigh Teabing, a man who needs crutches to walk, who provokes sympathy because of his sense of humor and general good humor, as well as because in his relatively few minutes on screen he shows himself to be an intellectual equal (or even superior? ) to Robert (incidentally, it was he who, having randomly put the film on TV once in the first or second scene in which he appeared that made me leave there to watch the rest of the film). Thus, it is fulfilled in this case that the actors make each other shine.

In the end, I was left with a liking to watch more adventures by Robert Langdon.

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Tom Hanks como Robert Langdon


El experto en símbolos Robert Langdon, atendiendo la presentación de su libro en Francia, es llamado por la policía francesa para que ejerza de asesor en un caso de asesinato de extrañas circunstancias. Allí conoce a Sophie, criptógrafa, quien le revela que el inspector encargado del caso lo llevó allí pensando que Robert es el asesino y esperando que diga algo que lo incrimine; entonces Sophie lo ayuda a escapar para tratar de llevarlo a su embajada, pero al no lograr llegar, no tienen más remedio que tratar de resolver el acertijo planteado en el mensaje final del asesinado, que era el abuelo de Sophie… acertijo que los llevará a realizar una búsqueda milenaria por un valiosísimo objeto…

Robert Langdon

Lo importante de Tom Hanks como Robert Langdon es que Robert no es ni un superhéroe ni alguien de personalidad estrafalaria, ni tiene particularidades que lo destaquen de los demás... excepto, claro, su experticia en su materia, la simbología. Pienso que hacer a una persona normal sin que resulte ni sobreactuado ni bajoactuado (que sea demasiado inexpresivo) es de las cosas más difíciles de la actuación, y Tom Hanks lo hace excelentemente aquí: se muestra aturdido en situaciones de aturdimiento, es valeroso pero se nota su miedo, manifiesta adecuadamente, sin ser un Sherlock Holmes, su detective interno (si bien es un thriller, la trama subyacente y conductora es el enigma cuyas pistas comienzan con el mensaje de muerte del abuelo de Sophie), y muestra su aprensión, decepción y luego casi desesperación tras la revelación de la identidad de Leigh, pero saliendo de esa situación tanto con la capacidad de recurrir a su experticia para resolver el críptex en el momento de mayor presión como con la astucia de cómo salvarse a sí mismo y a Sophie de Leigh.

Por otro lado, está acompañado de otras grandes interpretaciones actorales: la de Audrey Tautou como Sophie Neveu y, sobre todo, la de Ian Mckellen haciendo de Leigh Teabing, un hombre que necesita muletas para caminar, que provoca simpatía por su sentido del humor y buen humor general, así como porque en sus relativamente pocos minutos en pantalla se muestra como un igual intelectual (¿o incluso superior?) a Robert (por cierto, fue él primero el que, tras haber puesto por azar la película en la tele una vez en la priemra o segunda escena en que salía lo que me hizo dejar allí para ver el resto de la película). Así, se cumple en este caso que los actores se hacen brillar el uno al otro.

Al final, quedo con ganas de ver más aventuras de Robert Langdon.


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This is a classic! thanks for mentioning it


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Thus, it is fulfilled in this case that the actors make each other shine.

I would disagree about Tom Hanks shining in this film. His character Langdon shines with his highly intellectual mind, but not the actor behind it. To be fair, I don't think any actor would have done much better job anyway because Langdon as a character is more robotic than human-like.
I think the actor who shone the brightest there was Paul Bettany.

I agree about Paul Bettany, I just didn't mention him 'cos he didn't interact much with the the rest (with words).
As for Langdon, it is beacause I was satisfied precisely with the human interpretation by Hanks of him; I mentioned him not being a cold Sherlock Holmes, but I could've speciefied I was talking to the high-functioning sociopaths type of interpretations of Holmes (as opposed to the lively yet most faithful interpretation by Jeremmy Brett). He's not a character that goes to high emotional extremes, and I think Hanks managed to portray that without being robotic

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