CineTV contest: Character most like you - Kronk

in CineTV2 years ago


I was going to talk about another character at first, the topic was about Bojack Horseman and his bad traits, mental afflictions and generational traumas. I did in fact write that post... but it got heavy and waaaay too personal fast, and I don't think I'm ready to share those thoughts and memories with the internet yet.

I missed the last three contests and promised myself that I wouldn't miss this one! So instead let's talk about a more lighthearted character:

The new groove is KRONK

The Emperor's New Groove is an amazing Disney movie, sadly it wasn't as well received as it should leaving a 11 million dollars loss for the studio on domestic box office.

Don't cry little Kronk, nowadays the movie is a classic and the overseas box office was able to turn the movie into a profit

Probably the fact that I watched it dubbed in Brazilian Portuguese must influence a lot my opinion of the movie (we do great voice overs here in the south 😉). But nonetheless the movie is surviving the test of time well and it is still a blast to watch, with a lot of funny moments for the whole family.

A praise oriented person with a heart of gold and a desire to help!

We are first introduced to Kronk as the goofball sidekick of the movie's antagonist Yzma. After what probably was centuries (judging by her face) working as the royal advisor she is tired of being behind the curtains and wants power. And so to reach the throne there is nothing she wouldn't do.

Kronk starts as a comic relief plus part of plot device. Being a villain henchmen he is tasked with gruesome deeds that he can't take himself to do, also we see him helping others without being asked to. For an "evil" dude he is a pretty good guy.


He is more of a nice dude under the wrong influence, that's further illustrated on the second movie "Kronk's new groove" (not as good as the first) and wants to make people around him happy, even if it means throwing away the current llama emperor or suddenly manning a restaurant so others can eat.

He's responsible for some great jokes by being clumsy, sometimes dense or breaking the forth wall, which are things I relate a lot in how my sense of humor is and my way of doing comedy. I try to make my posts and writing something entertaining, I want people to have fun while reading and absorbing new content! In a way the same as Kronk trying to make those close to him happy... and by some replies I guess I'm getting there!



Thank you for reading! Hope you had fun and don't forget to try the spinach puffs

Go to for this contest and follow them to not miss future ones

All gifs are property of Disney and posted using Tenor.


Thank you for your entry in the character contest! Kronk is a really interesting choice, definitely a lovable goofball. Thanks again.


Thanks for hosting those awesome contests and giving us a hard time choosing which films and characters to talk about XD


Such great gifs to accentuate your post! I definitely think that it is "mission accomplished" I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and love how great and insightful your comments are on my posts! Thanks! And this is a great entry!!!!

I get really happy when you say such kind words (after all, I didn't write "praise oriented" for nothing XD)!

Glad you think I'm completing the mission successfully! Replying to your posts is always a blast, you make great content with usually a lot to talk about in the comments.


kronk gif.gif
Take this upvote fellow Kronk. Also don't forget your !PIZZA

Kronk gang going strong!

This gif is amazing!!!! XD


You know, now that you mention the villain henchmen thing, I can see it ;)

HEEEY!! Wait a minute, like Wreck-it Ralph and Kronk, the Cartel are the good guys.



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That's an interesting choice for the character that you most like! I'm not a big fan of Disney movies and I didn't watch him, but now, you make me intrigued... :) As you have described it, it looks like a cool character... :)

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post!

Comment Footer.jpg

It's a great movie, I recommend watching, specially if you have kids to watch together.

He is a great character with a lot of quotable scenes XD

Thanks for curating! !PIZZA

Where are the !1UP curators to send some love to your post? 😉

They are diligently curating posts for the cartel right now but the patronage of Big Boss is really appreciated XD



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One thing I was really surprised about in this post ios the loss that the movie generated.
Both ym wiofe and I love the movies and I never would've imagined that the reception wasn't good.
Keep writing your entertaining posts - you're doing a great job
You were curated my the

I know right?? I was really taken aback when I first read about the loss.

Thank you so much for the kind words and the curation!!


Great post! I haven't watched this one, but will do so. He seems like a nice guy that he lost his way.
Good luck in the contest
