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RE: Till the lights go out! #philosophicalshit

in Wheels of Lifelast year

I lost my 7 month streak on our little Cox's trip too, no biggie bhai. I could've taken my laptop cause the Wi-Fi there is good, then probably write and post something simple or anything daily-blog related.

But sometimes you just gotta change it up from top to bottom, a proper reset is needed; focusing on the present, living in the moment. 🖤


I broke my streak yesterday bro, and it is surprisingly relieving! I feel light in the sense that I am no longer feeling pressurized to come up with a post. Sometimes we just gotta unplug and rest I guess eh!

Sometimes we just gotta unplug and rest I guess eh!

Yess sirrr. 🥃

Our blog and all this writing may seem easy, but those who actually care about their writing and their timeline, usually go through a fair bit of stress, I surely do at least haha.