Reflections on learning

in Education2 years ago (edited)
Dear readers, this publication is the result of some reflections we have had on the importance of learning at an educational level, this due to the experience we have acquired with the guidance of our children, since, sometimes they express a kind of discouragement towards school activities that try to transmit knowledge for their educational development. Learning can be fascinating, boring, distressing, easy or any other qualifier that crosses our mind, but we as parents must guide our children and make them understand that on certain occasions some efforts must be made to understand some specific science.

Without a doubt, it is important to internalize that not all knowledge is easy to assimilate and sometimes we may be confused, but not all of us have the ability to learn things in an accelerated way and that does not mean that something bad is happening with our intelligence, possibly it is due to the lack of motivation that one has to learn some topics or also the way in which they are transmitted. Despite this, a student should not be discouraged, on the contrary, should spend time looking for the relevant tools that allow him to understand what has been taught and regain confidence, since not everything works in the first attempts, we must be disciplined and consistent to achieve the goals.

As parents we wonder, how to motivate our children to go ahead in their studies, first of all, from our point of view there is no magic formula for it, in our hands it is left to support them and help them to maintain a positive attitude to carry out their academic responsibilities, making them understand that we all have the ability to learn, but the difference lies in the level of commitment you have to do things, the outstanding student does not make it the best school or the best university, the outstanding student does himself as we said earlier with discipline, patience and dedication, that despite the obstacles will always come through.

Public domain image taken from Pxhere

Definitely the power is in the knowledge, we mention that, because many times in our academic environment we have heard certain students mention "I do not know why we are studying this subject if when I graduate I will not do anything" for us in an empty sentence, since, any type of subject can be of great importance when we are professionals, it is necessary the integral professional who addresses certain topics of their specialization and others that complement them, This will allow us to use logic and starting from basic knowledge to investigate certain phenomena until we get to build our theories or point of view.

Finally, dear readers, let us be the point of support of our young people and let us become an instrument for fostering the love of study, as we said earlier "knowledge is power" and only an educated people is able to make society grow to important levels of development innovating in all areas, as Liberator Simon Bolivar said in one of his famous thoughts "An ignorant people is a blind instrument of their own destruction".

Thank you for joining us to the end.

From agrotecnia we reiterate our gratitude to our followers and all the communities that value our content, this commits us to continue sharing quality information with the whole hive.


As you noted it, learning takes time. If anyone wants to consolidate knowledge, there is no other option except dedicating time and efforts to the task. This is however something the new generation has difficulties to understand. They want everything immediately and easily, and it is always complicated to make them understand that this is not how it works, and that it is fine that learning takes time.

Thanks for this interesting thread, and have a nice week-end!

PS: As you can see, I am still very busy and quite off-chain. Sorry for spending less time on your blogs. On any blog... There are however only 24 hours per day and 7 days per week, although I would need twice that amount at the moment...

Hello dear friend @lemouth, I am glad that the content is to your liking, we agree that learning takes time and of course some things are easier for us to understand than others, but with discipline and dedication we can enrich our knowledge to the fullest.

Until then brother, I understand that you are busy, despite of it, always dedicate time to interact and that is of great value to the community. Have a great weekend.

Thanks for your understanding. It is definitely a bit hard for me at the moment ;)

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Felicidades su publicación ha Sido elegida entre las mejores del día.

