Arctic Monkeys was an indie rock band from Sheffield in England. The band consisted originally of Alex Turner on vocal and guitar, Jamie Cook on guitar, Andy Nicholsen on bass and Matthew Helders on drums.
So, there should be nothing wrong with travelling behavior, and people should have the possibilities as well of organizations of being different places, and there should also be possibilities in the world for earning as much money as you like, and these money can come from the same source or for different sources, and we should not control anything with wrong opinions, intentions and behavior, and you know we could be anywhere, and there should be enough possibilities, and we should love where we are, and always making the best efforts out of our times.
The band Arctic Monkeys was coming from Sheffield in Great Britain, and you know there was a tragedy in Hillsborough in 1989, where 96 Liverpool fans lost their lives, and the match should be with Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, and we cannot accept such things happening at and around the fields where the boards, the management and the players are doing the games just as they like, and sometimes things are going badly, and sometimes they are happening in good ways, and noises and voices should be taken away from us around us, and there should be penalties on doing these things, and attacking the human rights, and this is really painful and awful behavior, and people should be encourage to not do such things around any humans, and we should just be watched from people wanting to be friendly with us.
So, maybe humans are coming from the monkeys, and hence we are quite similar to each other in many ways that the behavior is within, and behavior of many kinds are the subject on several schools at different levels, and with organizations being forced to make developments to be at different international conferences with implications for what kinds of works that should be done where one is working, and where things are coming from. And Arctic Monkeys has gained several prizes just like Mercury Prize and NME Award for Best Album, and the record companies that they have used, these are Domino Recording Company, EMI and Warner Bros. Records. And all what humans are doing should be done with the love in the human nature, and we should make and take the competitions that are possible and what are happened, and we cannot accept bad things that are happening around us, and the results in schools at all levels can be the best possible, and there should be plenty of activities in the organizations to participate within in lives.
We can listen about Arctic Monkeys on different music platforms in the world, and these are YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify, Deezer and Apple Music. And we can listen to the music that we like, and we can develop our imagines and imaginations just as they are happening. And you know, one of the best songs ever written is the song from John Lennon called for Imagine, and this story ends with a kiss, and the loving story in life, after making all the dark sides of the places where one is living in making the bright sides of our lives, and the life should be filled with pleasures, and not all the dark sides that we can find, and giving contributions to the welfare, that should be the philosophy and mission and point in life for everybody having the possibility of doing these things, and hence we should collect all the friends and potential friends that we are meeting, and we should love the people in the families, and the structures in the families that we can find and use. And the known songs from Arctic Monkeys, they are: I Wanna Be Yours, 505, Do I Wanna Know? And therefore we should look for the best and most positive experiences and time moments that we are getting in life. And Arctic Monkeys has made different concerts and performances in the world, for instance in Stockholm, Hamburg, Munich and Linz, and the world is wrong in organizations if you are not free to stay and to be in different places, and these things should be corrected in the parliament and in the government, and these things are about education and research in all the ways that we are finding on the blue planet.
And we find Arctic Monkeys with different music videoes on the internet, and these are: Do I Wanna Know? There'd Better Be A Mirrorball, Four Out Of Five and Body Paint, and everything in the world is about taking care of our bodies in the short run and in the long run.
And again some music as it was asked to be included! 😃
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Sverre Larsen
Kristiansand, Norway
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