Education For Helping Communities

in Education21 days ago

Hi there. In this short education post, I would like to talk about education and local schools helping communities.

Apologies if the ideas in this post are scattered.


Helping Your Fellow Neighbours & People In The Community

Regardless of your views on whether teaching in your area is an easy/hard profession or if it pays well, teachers, educators and tutors get paid to help others learn. Many of the people that teachers and educators help with are kids in the community, city and possibly neighbours. Teachers and students do sometimes see each other outside of class at the local grocery store, sports events, church, recreation activities and at restaurants. Outside of the classroom they are regular people who spend their free time doing regular chores, shopping and spending time with kids.

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It Is Not Just About The Money

In some areas teachers and tutors are paid way above minimum wage. A high pay does attract workers and youths to the profession. I think that the choice of profession should not only be based on the money. In the teaching sector, educators are also there to provide good service to students and youths for their development in learning and character.

Even though teachers directly help students but they are also helping families. Parents may expect a certain level of quality in teaching services whether it is public or private. If parents see that the teacher is not helpful in their child's development that parents may take action and go for alternatives. These parents would see these bad teachers as not very helpful in the region. A bad reputation for a teacher from school can be translated to a bad reputation outside of the classroom in the parents' eyes. On the flip side, good teachers who are helpful to youths in their learning and development get a good reputation from the students and parents themselves.

If you go on a grander scale, large and helpful education providers, Youtubers and companies do provide valuable services to many. Something like Khan Academy who I believe is not for profit has a large platform and a large variety of educational content that is low cost and accessible to many. One could argue that something like Khan Academy is beneficial for the global community with their educational services.


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Thank you for reading.