How to cope with a mental illness- Let's all support mixed nuts on their gofundme page. Link below!

in Education4 years ago

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If you or one of your loved once live with a mental illness you might not have the easiest time in the world.  It is an ongoing problem and there is not one specific solution. It works much the same as when you solve a math word problem with trial and error.  The correct dosage of medication needs to be found because as we know not all people react the same way to medication.  

Psychotherapy can be very helpful, but many people need more than that.  They need constant attention which is not always available. No one can give or receive 100 percent attention all the time, therefore some self-help methods are needed for times when there is no one available for support. 

Often a very quick coping-mechanism is needed to prevent a breakdown so that a person can help him/herself in times when no one else is available. The most common self-help methods are exercise and meditation. These methods however do not always work, and you or your loved one might need more to cope. 

Imagine that there is a terrible storm coming, you know that it’s going to rain and you can see the lightning and hear the thunder and you cannot do anything to stop it. You just have to go inside and do something to protect yourself.  

The onset of a mental breakdown works exactly like this.  You know that it is coming, and you cannot do anything to stop it, so you need something to protect yourself. To pretend that there is no storm won’t stop the storm, and to pretend that you do not have a problem is not going to take the problem away, so rather find a workable solution to help you when the problem arises.  

Here are some other methods that are very useful in these times. 

• Breathing techniques

Deep breathing may sound silly, but it helps a lot when anyone is anxious.  There are various breathing techniques available and you or your loved one need to find the correct breathing technique to calm down. Focusing on deep breathing sends a message to your brain that all will be fine in a few minutes. 

• Taking the opposite action 

When you are about to have a breakdown, and the whole-body shouts that you need to get away from people and go into isolation, you have to do exactly the opposite. Instead of taking yourself out of the situation, put yourself in a space where there are plenty of people around.  When you feel anxious, do some meditation that will help you feel calmer. This is a wonderful technique that has excellent results if you are able to manage it.  

• Think positive thoughts

Try to see the good in a situation.  You might be stuck in traffic on your way to work, so instead of becoming anxious, and get road rage, rather try to think positive thoughts. Tell yourself that although you might be late, you are still going to reach your destination. 

This works well for people with PTSD. (Post-traumatic stress disorder.) If a negative thought comes on, or you have a recollection of something that happened, immediately get yourself back to reality by focusing on something else.  This might be a conscious thought about something positive in your current life. Get a focus point so that you immediately take yourself to a safe place the second anything negative sneaks in. 

• Be emotionally aware

Be aware of your situation, mental- illness, and your surroundings.  You know that you have this disease, so admit it and move on. You cannot run away from it, so take it head-on. Change what you can to make life easier for you.  Get rid of excess baggage and live a simple life, without drama.  If you meet new people, tell them that you have this disease and do not try to hide it. 

If you or any of your loved ones need support please go and visit the following site:

There you will find much-needed support for everyday mental illnesses, this is a wonderful site and I want to thank one of our hive members for introducing me to this site.  Go and support them on their quest to bring awareness to mental illness!    





Ive tried a lot of things to help me, tapping, mindfulness, self soothing, CBT, counselling. One thing i haven't taught myself is how to avoid the triggers. 😟

Hey how are you doing? Have a look at this website and make friends with @chocolatescorpi she might have some ideas for you and she is the person in the one video on the site. Good luck and stay strong. You will get through this.

Thanks so much for the mention @Giantbear!
Don't you just love their website! 😀

Not sure if I showed you earlier, but this is my own website and this is one of the documentaries that I have filmed about Sue Armstrong, mental health consumer/consultant and genetically radical fine artist.

I am editing a feature length version of it now, but have been very distracted with the Hive since discovering it and joining it 3 weeks ago....🙄😂

@chocolatescorpi Let me know when you are done! I would really like to watch it. I am stuck on this topic for now, but you will see once you are into writing it's hard to let go. It is a great extra source of income for me. Not much but every little bit helps.

Yeah absolutely but you know that there is a 5min teaser that I cut on there?
That's definitely worth a watch when you can. 😀

Hi. Im OK, one day at a time. Than you I'll check her out :)