in Education3 years ago

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Obesity in kids is a condition in which children are so fat that it is dangerous to their health. Such kids are said to be obese or overweight. In the past, obesity used to be an adult problem. Nowadays, many children are fast becoming obese, with up to one out of every five children in some countries being overweight.
The most common causes of obesity in kids are genetic factors, lack of exercise, and unhealthy eating habits. Sometimes, a combination of the three may cause or increase obesity in some kids. Genetic factors are the characteristics or features which are passed down from a person’s parents when he or she is born. For example, if the father or mother is fat or tall, the children may also be fat or tall. Hence, obesity runs in families.

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Lack of adequate physical activity may cause obesity in kids. Many kids nowadays don’t do enough exercise. They spend a lot of time being physically inactive – watching television, playing video games, using computers, texting their friends, or chatting online.
Obese children may suffer a number of health problems, including shortness of breath, high blood pressure, diabetes, bone and joint problems, heat rash or acne. Some kids suffer from stress and sadness, as well as low self-esteem as a result of being teased, bullied or rejected by their peers in school or the street.

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Kids that are obese could be helped by their parents. Parents should make them do physical exercise. Parents should teach them to eat good food. Kids should avoid eating or drinking too much sugary foods and drinks which have little or no nutrients. All sweet and favourite snacks should be completely reduced or removed from fat kids’ diets. Parents should always breastfeed their babies as breastfeeding protects against childhood obesity. Parents should also cut down on the use of television, computer, and video games by their kids.


What is obesity in children?
Which other word is used in paragraph 1 for ‘overweight’?
Mention two main causes of obesity in kids.
Mention two things that are done to obese kids at school or on the street.
How can parents help kids that are overweight?
Mention three health problems obese kids can have.