Magic potion making day! 🌿🧚🏽 | Creative Kids ✨| Experience in nature

in Education3 years ago

This beautiful practice of bringing the elements, colors, and magic words together stimulates our creative potential.


It is a portal for internal diving, visualizations, and discoveries of the subtle manifestation of each element that makes up life.


This practice can be done by everyone 🥰

Did you know that we make magic potions without realizing it ?


The word potion comes from the Latin word "potare", which means to drink.
So a simple tea that we ingest can be considered a potion. And the magic is the intention that we put in. Whether it is an intention of transformation, healing, love.


We often forget to potentiate its effect, we don't give ourselves the full presence to feel, breathe, and give thanks for the nourishment. But when we give thanks, contemplate and breathe with awareness, we connect in a special way with the essence of each element.


There are several types of potions. Some are for drinking and others are made to ritualize with something. Like for example this beautiful potion that the children made with natural dye, water, earth, flowers and leaves to nourish the Earth 🥰


Magic is everywhere! Ritualize, respect, thank 🌿

With love, Pachamama Kids.


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