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RE: August HPUD Guessing Contest - How many pieces?

in Hive Power • 2 years ago

Hi @livinguktaiwan. Always a pleasure to be part of your Guessing Game 🤗

No, I am not building my house but eventually it might lead to just that. You see, the city government paved the road in front of my house recently. The new road is about a foot higher than my house's ground level. This has resulted in flooding in the garden during the slightest of rains and, worse, inside the house when the rain is too strong and extended, like over an hour non-stop. I started with raising up the garden level first, to see if this will stop the flooding outside and inside. Hopefully it does. If not, I will be forced to raise the entire ground level of the whole house. Below are some photos of the earth filling being done right now.



Photo below is the new road.


Also had to have the gate raised too or it won't open anymore 🤣


Hope you don't mind my sharing these with you 😊


Of course not, it's always interesting to see homes around the world.

What a stupid thing to do !! Did they not put drain holes by the side for water to flow away instead of into your garden? And how does your car get in, there's a big gap there, do you have to build a ramp? It's nice to have a new road but not if you have to make all these changes to your property. And knowing your government, they probably haven't compensated you. Anyway, hope it will solve the flooding problem otherwise it's gonna be a massive job to raise the ground level 😟

No, they did not put drain holes because there already are drain pipes in place. Problem is they're mostly clogged up due to waste matters, soil and what-not. Result is the water drains out at a rate of about an inch an hour because the water on my side of the road cannot flow over across the street to the opposite sewer because the new road, being higher, blocks the flow. It's like having a moat around your home 😭


Apparently, my house isn't just the one affected. A lot of homes are and when they complained to the local government they were just told that the sewer and canal system repairs and improvement are scheduled next, after the roads. It should have been the other way around! Talk of competence and common sense.

You do know how our government works. No, I have not been paid for the repairs and the inconvenience I had to endure because of the new road. In fact they think we should even be grateful to them for paving our roads.

Yes, I had a ramp built in order for my car to get in.




Still a lot of work to do but I do hope this raising the garden level will solve the problem. And you are absolutely correct in saying that if this doesn't work the only alternative is a massive job raising the ground level.

What a nightmare and incompetent government!!!