
It's really upsetting me this afternoon as Australia uses our tax money to send arms to fight in Ukraine. I can't bear to watch this video but I get the sentiment. Feeling helpless and horrified.

Feeling horrified and helpless, I think, are feelings shared by populations around the world right now @riverflows... Thank you for your input. I understand.

He has an account, if we can get him to post again.

Yes... I know, thanks... I editied the post to include his Hive @ after forgetting to do it. Also edited to include a short explanation about the Donbar region having been recipient of agression for years seemingly by their own government.

I watched this when Patrick posted it. Seems that everything is getting under the control of Russia there now. Not as good as we hoped for those who will escape one terror and I am afraid diving into another.
Russell Bentley's youtube was terminated today. I dont expect to get updates from Patrick on youtube much longer unless he is a insider.

Thanks for the heads up about another YT account being terminated, possibly affecting updates from Patrick.

Yes... that Donbarr region has certainly suffered for a long time- and with hardly any coverage about it from legacy press. They presently are still avoiding what has been going on there for so many years, along with the false reporting of events happening currently throughout Ukraine.

Thanks for your in-put @iamstan.

PS: 'Ukraine on Fire' can still be watched at following link.

Thanks for the link.
Im not expecting to have much impact. Just hope to help those who can be helped.

I feel the worst for the poor children on either side of the conflicts. They don’t deserve the bull shit that is caused by adults in this type of stuff. Too fragile..

The children will suffer... as a result of evil.