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RE: Day 338 & 124,710 KIA 7 tanks lost by Russia.

in Deep Diveslast year

He immediately goes on to the central pocket large push and apparently Russian forces really want to encircle themselves while some people see this as a situation and something to worry about I see this actually as an incredible opportunity should Ukrainian forces want to exploit it. Allowing those Russian forces to extend out and open up its Frontline is a disaster waiting to happen because now this projection is itself in circled. While you've got some bulges to the line north and south of a hotly contested City on the South side here Russian forces really aren't paying attention to anything other than the demand to take more territory. Which then sees this unstable projection coming out of the front line. Which again Ukrainian forces continue a very careful fall back in the front wow continuing to set up ambushes as well as pre-targeted artillery solutions.

Lolol careful fall back. Hahahahahahaha, the copium!