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RE: Psychotic Tate Brothers Idolise A Man Who Kept His Daughter in a Dungeon, Raping Her for 25 Years!

in Deep Dives10 months ago

Well not being snide or insulting apparently gets less results than being snide and insulting, isn't that just queer as fuck? If you're writing me a five paragrapher then I apologize.

Let me try again, if you give no legitimacy to the content of the conversation and your only critique is their bad humor, then what were you expecting other than what you responded to? It goes hand in hand with this post, where you incidentally have no push back or criticism for, heck it seems you think it's legitimate, ironically though, like your comment, so too the post is clutching their purse and recoiling in disgust at their "idol" giving zero consideration to what they're talking about. I'm all for critical observations but when you don't make any effort of being objective and unbiased then you clearly have an agenda and don't care for actual discussion or debate, only asskissery and snide insults, this ironically enough is demonstrated by the total silence to criticism, regardless of how respectful it may be, a trend of this Tate drama.