Psychotic Tate Brothers Idolise A Man Who Kept His Daughter in a Dungeon, Raping Her for 25 Years!

in Deep Dives9 months ago (edited)

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As I mentioned in my last post, the evidence of serious crimes continues to build up against Andrew Tate & his brother Tristan.

In this video we hear, from their own mouths, their almost idolising views on Josef Fritzl, a notorious Austrian rapist and abuser who was caught having held his unregistered daughter in a dungeon under his house for 25 years.

Not only that, he raped her repeatedly and she produced 7 children!
It later emerged he had also held his own Mother in an attic that he similarly sealed as a jail cell, for up to 20 years - until she died.

In Fritzl's own words he "was born to rape, and I held myself back for a relatively long time. I could have behaved a lot worse than locking up my daughter."

In Tristan Tate's words, Fritzl was "like a world champion at keeping your kids home safe".

In Andrew Tate's words, Fritzl "Set a benchmark for parenting. Some people seem to believe he went too far - that's debatable".

"He locked his daughter up in a dungeon for 25 years because she didn't do what he said - and raped her - and had 6 or 7 kids with her. Now I'm not saying that every single parent should do that - everyone has their own methods. He was important because he allowed us.. it's like political parties, you have the communists who are too left wing and the Nazis that are too right wing - you need to know the two extremes, so you can find somewhere nicely in the middle. Josef was one of the extremes for us, like, obviously the McCanns (referring to the parents of missing girl Madeleine McCann) are awful at keeping their daughter at home - Josef seems to be far too good at keeping his daughter at home.. The best there's ever been! So by meeting somewhere in the middle, you have to look and say - Am I too much like the McCanns? Am I too much like Josef? And you get to have a nice happy medium - where a child doesn't go missing and doesn't end up basement raped for 25 years."

Tristan then adds that the government tore down Fritzl's house and paid his wife the value of the house. He makes sure to accentuate that he didn't know if the government included the value of the illegal extension that Fritzl used to create a dungeon.. "A lot of work went into that... the value of that door alone..."
He is referring to a 500kg metal door used to hold his daughter and illegitimate children in prison!

The other character in the video with them says "You can't put a price on your Kid's safety can you?"

Tristan agrees.

Andrew, in response: "You know what, he told her to stop going out, to stop dating boys, start doing what you're told - she didn't listen and she ended up in a dungeon, these things happen sometimes, you've got to do as you are told."

'Dave' then asks how they got caught. After explaining that one of the illegitimate children was sick and Fritzl agreed to take the child to hospital which led to the hospital staff contacting police since the child wasn't registered.. The brother both agree that:
"It was his good nature that let him down"
"It's always the good guys" says Tristan, shaking his head.
Andrew: "It's like the story of my life, you know, you're just too nice and everyone just turns against you."
Tristan: "Tragic!"


What can we say about this?! When I watch it part of me questions whether it's all just a big joke for some reason. These people speak similarly to some people I've met with very dark senses of humour, except they aren't joking in the slightest and they have no sense of irony in their words. If we saw them say this even without the charges they face, it would be extremely alarming, but given the length of the charge list they face and the mountains of evidence, this video definitely goes down as one of the most twisted I've ever seen or felt into.

If you still think these guys are 'good leaders for men' then I've got news for you, you are an imbecile and have no concept of right/wrong and when you are being played by psychopaths. In fact, it is very likely that you are one of the (minimum) 5% of the population that are clinical psychopaths. Please seek suitable help.

For anyone who still questions whether any of this is real, please see this recent interview with extremely experienced criminal lawyer, Bruce Rivers - who is in no doubt at all that the brothers will likely face 10+ years in jail:

Wishing you well,


▶️ 3Speak


I was approached by the Tate brothers. Specifically Andrew.

Expensive cars and cigars and acting like an idiot are not what gets you respect. Having a bunch of groupies pay him? Seriously his little TopG club? Don't forget the old dude that they have working with them.

So Tate got mad when I would bow down and follow him. Seriously the little bitch threw a temper tantrum. His 5 fight CAREER? His being a "Champion Fighter?" Sure he got a belt. One. Then QUIT! How's that for being a G.... Lol really gangster to quit before you ever defend that title...

Then the entire cam girl trafficking. Oh that one got juicy.

Oh how about telling the world Romania is corrupt and he can buy everyone off... It's now punishing Andrew and his beta brother. And rightfully so. The Tate brothers are screwed. It's just going to suck them dry with Romania milking them for mad money.

Don't forget there at the end of his jail sentence Andrew claims he got cancer and is dying. Must have been those sports cars and cigars. All the booze he drank added up.

Great job! The Tate brothers are going to melt back into history as 2 guys that tried too hard to be men. I'm glad I missed out. Although they did offer me a leadership position... Hahahahaha!

Andrew isn't a man. He is a pathetic human and an idiot. He deserved what Romania has done to him and I'm sure they really bilked a ton of money from him.

Funny thing is that he set himself up for this!

Then the bribing the prison officials... Hahahahhahahah!

His fight career was already exposed as having been massively oversold and manipulated. Same as his dad's chess achievements:

I've fought 5 fights in a day. I'm a mma coach. Him.being a "kickboxer" and having a five fight career absolutely kills me! Lol on top of that is entitlement that somehow he is deserving of complete and undying loyalty and respect?

I'm totally going to check out what you just posted on that video link!

Excellent work!

This type of "human beings" (I really doubt they are, they must be something else, less a human being), should receive a thousand times the same damage that their victims received. I believe that death is not enough punishment, nor is a kind confinement in a jail. They must be applied: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", and no re-education, social reinsertion, or forgiveness, because these beings never change, they continue to be the same beasts under the surface. Excellent and necessary post @ura-soul

Its called sarcasme or making jokes never heard of it ? Message is simple; keep an eye on your daughter before she ends up on Skid Row or Only fans.

Uh... These guys are literally trafficking women onto onlyfans and you somehow translate their message here into meaning they are trying to keep women safe and away from onlyfans?

"you somehow translate their message here into meaning they are trying to keep women safe and away from onlyfans'"


But not "somehow" it obvious.

That is one of the most illogical conclusions I have ever seen reached, how you can say it is obvious - I have no idea. Are you aware that Tristan runs an Only Fans management company and is facing charges of human trafficking for exploiting many women in order to profit from their activities on Only Fans? Why would he then be providing a 'public service' of allegedly 'teaching' how to keep women safe and not on Only Fans?

That is one of the most illogical conclusions I have ever seen reached"

Thats what i thought when i read your clickbait and saw the clip.

Are you aware that Tristan runs an Only Fans management company "

Are you aware according to Tristian they stop doing that.

Why would he then be providing a 'public service' of allegedly 'teaching' how to keep women safe and not on Only Fans?"

They were not teaching they were joking. Bunch of young guys looks like years ago who were fooling around on camera.

Are you aware according to Tristian they stop doing that.

They are habitual liars, which has been exposed by their own words over and over again - plus testimonies - which is why the court documents go all the way up to 2022.

This video is Andrew confirming this and you can see him contradicting himself. There are other videos, including ones of Tristan, doing the same thing:

They were not teaching they were joking. Bunch of young guys looks like years ago who were fooling around on camera.

I don't have the full context of that video, but as I alluded to in the post, if I were to give them the benefit of the doubt - that they were joking for some reason - I would at least expect to get a sense of something funny about what they are saying and at least a vague hint of a facial expression that they are being sarcastic. None of that is present. If they are joking then it is very unfortunate for them that the charges that they are facing (10+ years in jail each) point to them being exactly the kinds of people who would say these things and seriously mean them.

I suggest watching the longer video I shared in my first post if you haven't already - and it seems you haven't.

These two jackasses are desperate about attention, you can tell that. The problem is that they are role models for kids nowadays. Two pussies imo...

Tate message: work hard, train hard, respect your parents, dont do drugs make something out of your live.
Donates 25 million a year to feed hungry children in warzones.

Sounds like a real problem.

The problem is people like you keep on misunderstanding them while its frikking obvious.

Psychotic Tate Brothers Idolise A Man Who Kept His Daughter in a Dungeon, Raping Her for 25 Years!"

I was here for the tittle but that wasnt true.

In this video we hear, from their own mouths, their almost idolising views on Josef Fritz"

Haters gonna hate i guess

So you think that negatively viewing Josef Fritzl is just the choice of a 'hater' who can't help but put down successful people for some reason?

Its a no brainer that that Josef fuck is a sick fuck.

No offence but if you werent that close minded you would have understand that it's sarcasticly joking or whatever you wanna call it and you try to frame this into the Tates are sick fucks as well. I find that weak. And i dont think you have to do that in order to get some votes or interaction.

You aren't being particularly clear in what you are saying here, which is why I am asking the questions. So to confirm from your last comment, you are saying that you think that the video is actually all a sarcastic joke? Is that correct? If so, what do you think the purpose of it is and do you have any reason to think it is just sarcasm beyond that you don't like what you would need to conclude if it wasn't sarcasm?

Sarcasm doesn't translate well online and even though I can be sarcastic at times, I am careful not to use it in a way that can be contextualised to present me as something I am not.

I am careful not to use it in a way that can be contextualised to present me as something I am not."

I dont think you were carefull when you wrote about Tate idolising one of the most sickest guys on earth..Thats a hella of a thing to say.

"So to confirm from your last comment, you are saying that you think that the video is actually all a sarcastic joke? Is that correct?"

Yes 100% they were joking and def not "idolising" that sick fuck Josef. Or at least thats what i understood from it.

I was not being sarcastic when I wrote that. If you conclude that I am something I am not from those words, it will not be because I used sarcasm, it will most likely be because we have interpreted the video in very different ways.

So if it was a sarcastic joke, why was there no smirking or laughing and what was the point of it? Why joke about something so evil as if it is nothing?

it will most likely be because we have interpreted the video in very different ways.


So if it was a sarcastic joke, why was there no smirking or laughing and what was the point of it? Why joke about something so evil as if it is nothing?"


Your questions doesnt bring us anywhere and i have a feeling you know it darn well.

Since when is it mandatory to laugh when you crack a joke? How often you see a comedian laughing their ass of?

When David Chappels jokes about slavery he is not idolising slavery. He is just joking around.

Thats all for today.


I sure as hell hope they are being over-the-top sarcastic and trying to turn this into a comedy bit, but it ain't funny.

I sure as hell hope they are being over-the-top sarcastic and trying to turn this into a comedy bit, but it ain't funny."

So? Not being funny is not a crime.

So? Not being funny is not a crime.

Never said it was. But cracking jokes about locking women up and raping them is a bad look when you've been accused of... checks notes... human trafficking and exploitation.

How about the bad look governments get when they accuse you lock you up with no case?

Im more worried about that then a guy who cracks jokes people cant appreciate

But thats me.

You assert the government has no case, but is this accurate? Governments are my enemy, but the enemy of my enemy is not my friend by default. Governments do sometimes enact something resembling justice by necessity to maintain the illusion of legitimacy, after all, and there are bad people who do bad things and then get punished by government enforcers. Is it really justice? No. But does that mean they are innocent? That does not follow.

When Obama cracked jokes about drone-bombing people, the problem wasn't that he was joking, the problem was that he was actually drone-bombing people already. The problem with the Tates joking about imprisoning women isn't that they were joking, the problem is they are allegedly trafficking women.

If I joke about cannibals not eating clowns because "they taste funny," that's one thing. If Jeffrey Dahmer jokes about not eating clowns because "they taste funny," it's suddenly very, very creepy.

Does any of that make sense to you? If not, why not?

The problem... is allegedly even that lawyer who was dissing him said something like im not a big fan of locking people up without a case.

And apparently they are free now? Are they convicted for locking women up? Doesnt that make your comment meaningless?

No, it does not render my comment meaningless in the slightest.

They are not. I have watched many, many videos from them. I have watched the number of brainwashed followers on social media drop and drop and more video evidence has been put together. We are now pretty much at the point where only their own PR team, people they have bought off and genuine psychopaths are writing in support of them.

Fetch my smelling salts, I do believe I may faint.

Seriously, are you unable to have a civil conversation? Try a reply without being snide and insulting.


What did one cupcake say to the other?
You ain't seen muffin yet.

Credit: reddit
@baah, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of antisocialist


They're just trolls.


Probably soon to be the most imprisoned trolls in modern history.
