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RE: What's funny about that?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I enjoy the drama on occasion, most of the time I find it pretty funny, especially the online spats between total strangers. I don't think it is limited to just the lonely or basement dwellers, I do think a lot of it is from people with mental issues though. Anyone that strives to inflict pain on anyone for any reason is not operating with a full deck of cards.

A lot of the drama is like a car wreck or a derailed train, we just have to look, to see if people are hurt, or to imagine what if it was us in there scenario's. I don't think it is so much looking for the gore of the situation, it is more of how did this happen, what caused it, and how the hell do I make sure it doesn't happen to me. A not so healthy person would see it different, and view it with different thoughts.

Last night I was trying to think of the last time I saw a Wholesome movie. One with out the violence, the bloodshed, the sex and sexual innuendos. One where the kids were not the outcast, were not the dregs, were not the problem kids. There are no wholesome movies made anymore. The last one I remember would be Charlie, the lonesome cougar, and even that had some violence/cruelty.

A lot of the enjoyment from drama on line is I think because we are glad it is not us in their shoes type thing. I have grown very weary of all the movies with the violence on and from kids in movies lately. That there is no depiction of normal kids, just the violent losers, or the super geeks. No normal.


I don't think it is limited to just the lonely or basement dwellers, I do think a lot of it is from people with mental issues though.

Neither do I, but I do think many of them are lonely - not necessarily alone though.

THere is very little "good" out there now. I have been meaning to write a piece for a while on how superhero movies and shows potentially have the opposite effect of having people to look up to - if anything, it makes people feel more powerless as they are not special, therefore have an excuse not to be extraordinary.

I think though, that a lot of people are jumping on topic bandwagons they have no real intereest in, but like to take part enacting social group punishment.

Not much normal anymore. I was just thinking about this today in regards to a family member.

"Social group punishment" that is something I have never really understood. It is part of why I am at odds with myself concerning blacklist, I hate them, but see them sometimes as needed, but then there is no coming back from the brink of a black list once on it. Then again, we can not just blindly forgive for a promise not to do it again, or the simple statement I made a mistake.

I believe everyone can change if they want to, but when it comes to making money/profiteering people have a strong tendency to not change and make simplistic excuses like I'm doing it for my family. It's an excuse, should they be blacklisted for life, some individuals I have seen I feel yes, some I see I feel no.

I do feel that if a person or a group is going to run a blacklist then they need to state why a person/account is on that list and show the initial reasoning, not just a blanket statement they plagiarized.

but then there is no coming back from the brink of a black list once on it.

This is a problem, but after 4 years I have learned, most don't want to come back - they start a new account and attempt a new vector of abuse.

I do feel that if a person or a group is going to run a blacklist then they need to state why a person/account is on that list and show the initial reasoning, not just a blanket statement they plagiarized.

Perhaps a link (from the blacklist number) to a page that lists the reasons with some details.

Perhaps a link (from the blacklist number) to a page that lists the reasons with some details.

This or something similar I would like to see. It is something I need to work out for myself I guess in my stance on blacklist. I know of bad actors, so for now since I really do not want to be associated with black listed accounts unless I know the person/account has changed, I sort of follow the black list when it comes to following accounts/voting on content from those accounts.


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