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RE: ok, aliens exists.. now what?

even our entire global system of Patriarchy

Observation says we have anything but a patriarchy.
Men have to fight to get 80%/20% child custody (where women can assume 50/50 minimum)
An epidemic of men dying to suicide... and it isn't even news. In fact, if you bring it up, you will get banned from the internetz.

Anyway, on to aliens.
Aliens mean the death and destruction of everything.
That is why they were never announced by the govern-cement.

Our entire science... gone.
Our entire history... gone.
Many religions... gone.

It is amazing how much of our science and understanding is based on us being "the cosmic goo" that made it. When in reality, and its very obvious, that we did not evolve completely on this planet.
(See the post on Fermi's pardox just posted today - @kralizec)

We are also still afraid of anything new.

Aliens are being told to us because of the things that the oligarchs are planning.
However, its going to backfire badly because they can't keep control of it when the aliens come and talk directly with us.


interesting comment as always..
just to pickup on the patriarchy thing.. when i say we live in a world ruled by Patriarchy.. i mean that this is the style of our governance rather than any gender being any more or less important. .BOth men and women are several repressed in different ways... so what i mean is that our systems rule by way of strict rules and punishments.. we own things, we compete without compassion.. we live in our minds not our hearts..

as for the rest of this comment.. i mean,, maybe some aliens have bad intentions,, and some good.. it is my understanding that the bad ones have long ago been thwarted.. what we see now is mostly a great support and help from them to keep us all alive.. I remember reading an amazing first hand story of alien ships deactivating nuclear warheads and preventing global war more than once..

hey.. who knows who is right.. sometimes you speak as though you are an oracle.. hey maybe you are, but i doubt you can really know these things for SURE right!? I think its easier to read and listen when we speak about our ideas and feelings without intimating that we are somehow 100‰ right about it.. no one knows for sure anything!

Well, .... yes, i do come off as very sure of things that i write... because they are the things i am sure about. We, on this platform, do not get to the place where i would be talking about theory and conjecture.

I guess i could talk about the shape of the earth. All i know is that we aren't on a ball of dirt.

Most of the stuff i write about is stuff that i see happening.
So, to me, it's like saying, "there is a tree over there".

BTW, i did not mention anything that the aliens would do, all the stuff i typed was about what happens to humanity when it is answered, "Are there aliens?"

Such as, Christianity takes a big hit when aliens show up. So much of the Bible has to be thrown out, or reinterpreted. The dogma that is Christianity will take the biggest hit.