ok, aliens exists.. now what?

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)


Did any of you spot the recent news where the pentagon basically admit that UFOs are real? This story slid pretty quietly past many peoples eyes.. and no one is really talking about it. As a side note, this makes me realise how the media really control the narrative.... We only seem to talk about and care about those things that the media hype on. Can u imagine what people would be saying and doing if this news had been picked up like any other great news story? The world would all be talking about it, emotional about it, and very excited, concerned and of course for some ... fearful. This is not the case though, despite some incredible photos of said spacecraft pulling manoeuvres that are simply not possible by any modern day technology. I would like to share that I have seen these same spacecraft many years ago in India.. along with many friends who all witnessed three of these spacecraft in a triangle formation.. they rotated and then suddenly all split off in different directions at extreme speeds. We all knew what we saw, and now it is confirmed to me in these latest pictures.

We might ask, did the Pentagon just figure this out, or have they decided that for some reason now is a good time to start to release this information? I believe that the time for the open knowledge of the existence of aliens, and indeed incredible alien technology has come due to the fact that humanity is about to launch into space and become space travellers.. aliens in our own right! It makes sense to me that once we start to travel the solar system and beyond, it is then time to know about what is out there.

Very soon humanity will reach Mars. This is an incredible shift, and one worth paying some attention to. We live in incredible times and it can be so easy to miss these great events whilst distracted with very local and intense events. Sometimes I think its good to take a step back so that we can really start to see the bigger picture. We live on the edge of the greatest shift that humanity has seen in almost every sense. Our reality is about to become very strange, very weird.. and in many ways much much better.

In a sense, we are throwing off the shackles and chains that remain from our industrial age, and even our entire global system of Patriarchy. Those systems are completely redundant now, and make no sense in a world this connected and this technological. We do not need our leaders in the way we used to need them. In these new age times, it is our leaders who need us, to keep them empowered. The truth is that technology has systematically removed power from the top, layer by layer, and now we all look at the thin skin that remains. Once we learn of the incredible opportunities that new tech will bring in the next 10-20 years, we will be free in a way never before seen on planet earth. Even more compelling is what technology aliens will share with us that can become accessible to all without our governments using them only for their own personal power games.

Who knows why aliens are here with us, but they are and have been for a very long time. Maybe they have a message for us, and who knows, maybe one day they will speak to us in words. DO you think we are ready to accept this? Does it make you scared or relieved to think that aliens exist and are here with us? Im always curious what others think.. I have always felt that this universe is too big for us to be alone. Just how big is this universe anyway? Well, id like to end by sharing a really special short video animation.. the best i have seen, that shows you the great scale of things, in a way that we can understand.


If you would like to listen to some more interesting thoughts from Russel Brand check this video out. It is a very level headed and grounded chat.. Russell handles this topic very well!


Thumbnail image from


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interesting pics! can u tell me about the first one?

Maybe there is no more public debate around it, because I am not the only one who finds these pieces of footage not that convincing. Ever heard about deep fake? E.g. that flying triangle in your pic. I can´t imagine an alien space craft with pulsating position lights. Seems ridiculous.

good point! this image is not really what we are referring to as the evidence. There is a supporting video of high up Pentagon officials explaining that what they saw, the way this thing moved,, it was beyond anything from this world.. They WAY he says it is quite strong,.,

that combined with my own experience of seeing these very same ships.. and i saw how they moved, and how fast.. and when we saw them we all knew instantly.. ,this was like nothing from this earth...

even our entire global system of Patriarchy

Observation says we have anything but a patriarchy.
Men have to fight to get 80%/20% child custody (where women can assume 50/50 minimum)
An epidemic of men dying to suicide... and it isn't even news. In fact, if you bring it up, you will get banned from the internetz.

Anyway, on to aliens.
Aliens mean the death and destruction of everything.
That is why they were never announced by the govern-cement.

Our entire science... gone.
Our entire history... gone.
Many religions... gone.

It is amazing how much of our science and understanding is based on us being "the cosmic goo" that made it. When in reality, and its very obvious, that we did not evolve completely on this planet.
(See the post on Fermi's pardox just posted today - @kralizec)

We are also still afraid of anything new.

Aliens are being told to us because of the things that the oligarchs are planning.
However, its going to backfire badly because they can't keep control of it when the aliens come and talk directly with us.

interesting comment as always..
just to pickup on the patriarchy thing.. when i say we live in a world ruled by Patriarchy.. i mean that this is the style of our governance rather than any gender being any more or less important. .BOth men and women are several repressed in different ways... so what i mean is that our systems rule by way of strict rules and punishments.. we own things, we compete without compassion.. we live in our minds not our hearts..

as for the rest of this comment.. i mean,, maybe some aliens have bad intentions,, and some good.. it is my understanding that the bad ones have long ago been thwarted.. what we see now is mostly a great support and help from them to keep us all alive.. I remember reading an amazing first hand story of alien ships deactivating nuclear warheads and preventing global war more than once..

hey.. who knows who is right.. sometimes you speak as though you are an oracle.. hey maybe you are, but i doubt you can really know these things for SURE right!? I think its easier to read and listen when we speak about our ideas and feelings without intimating that we are somehow 100‰ right about it.. no one knows for sure anything!

Well, .... yes, i do come off as very sure of things that i write... because they are the things i am sure about. We, on this platform, do not get to the place where i would be talking about theory and conjecture.

I guess i could talk about the shape of the earth. All i know is that we aren't on a ball of dirt.

Most of the stuff i write about is stuff that i see happening.
So, to me, it's like saying, "there is a tree over there".

BTW, i did not mention anything that the aliens would do, all the stuff i typed was about what happens to humanity when it is answered, "Are there aliens?"

Such as, Christianity takes a big hit when aliens show up. So much of the Bible has to be thrown out, or reinterpreted. The dogma that is Christianity will take the biggest hit.

its fun stuff.
we don't need to speculate though.
All we know is all we know (Which Russell points out is NOTHING!hehe)
Someone may keep a secret from you, in which case your 'knowing' will be limited. Someone may lie to you, in which case, again your 'knowing' will be limited. Discovering what appears to be a truth will often open whole new avenues of unknowing, and often those discovered truths will look like half-truths in hindsight. The nature of truth and knowing seem to change as we grow so what worth is there in a pursuit of truth and knowing outside of our direct current experience? The world of miraculous wonder is right here, right now, being directly experienced by all life and consciousness. Speculate on what was, what may be and what may come to be all you like, but the anxious and excitable machinations of the mind will do nothing but hold you fast in a prison outside of your self. I state that as if it was true, when of course Ive already obliterated the concept of truth for myself earlier in the paragraph .... so do with that what you will.
I suppose what Im trying to say, which is mostly what I am trying to tell myself, but I will share it with you anyway in case it is of any worth, is..... why care whether there are aliens or not?
Why care whether we get to mars? Why care whether anything? Why care whether we are happy or sad? Whether we live or die? What possible reason is there to concern ourselves with any of these trivial speculations when in fact our most undeniably perfect experience of existence (and our perfect connection to that experience) is in wholly attending the current moment without temporal or spacial or conceptual discrimination? Whether it be pleasurable or otherwise...
Im not suggesting nihilism, or complete non-action, or some kind of masochistic endurance of negative circumstance, Im suggesting Deepest Acceptance of what is, and Effortless Furtherance in to the next unpredictable, undeniably perfect moment of deepest acceptance and effortless furtherance etc.
I realise Ive gone way off topic here. Everything seems to lead me towards this concept at the moment. I think it might be enlightenment of a sort, but I couldnt say, Im not quite there yet! haha
Probably should have made a post instead of spamming yours, but I cant seem to post anymore. I only seem to respond to others. So thankyou for this inspiration!
Big love to you x x And PEACE. Strawberry fields for ever, and all that jazz

i have to let this beautiful comment sink in a bit. wow
thank you for this

your comment reminds me of a time MANY years ago when i sat under a great banyan meditation tree in the Ashram of Sai Baba in India.. I was sitting there meditating with some angst, and looked over to see one European man sitting in what looked like some kind of bliss,. I had seen him around many times, and he was always sitting in DEEP MEDITATION, glowing like a candle and emanating great bliss..

It was then that i realised for myself that whilst for some that may be just perfect.. i had the rest of time to do this myself.. I felt that rather than sit back and enjoy never ending bliss, i had come here to help people and the world. As perfect as it may be, there are so many who suffer, and my role here in this world is to do what i can so that all beings may be happy :)

It does sound like you are discovering something beautiful.. that inner knowing of perfection.. it transcends all other things because it is so amazing.. enjoy it brother!! such a pleasure to meet u! x

Is this new though? I feel like they admitted it 3 or 4 years ago. It is insane that there hasn't been more discussion around it though.

But wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events...we learn that we are not alone and then go thousands of years without contact or any other hints besides a few sightings and maybe some wreckage that finally gets exposed.

yeah it was admitted by some but not the pentagon i think.. i remember watching a HUGE disclosure 20 years ago.. i shared it then but no one cared..

im very curious where this one goes.. id personally be over the moon if the aliens come and help us out a bit!

I like to think they are waiting to see if we can reach a certain level of advancement and will reveal themselves when we are ready. Hopefully they won't require all of us to be ready 😂 that might take another million years and a few civilizations

Interpreting "Officials have confirmed seeing things in the sky they can't explain" as "aliens exist" seems a bit of a stretch.

Good morning @eso-alex, very interesting post. I have been a believer of aliens and extraterrestrials since I was in High school. I always said to classmates, we are pompous to think we are alone in this world, there has to be more intelligent beings in this universe. I had a sighting on our farm some 20 years ago and I was with a friend who saw the same thing. Two green disc shaped objects in the sky, just sitting there, then boom, they were gone, in two different directions. I was impressed, but of course, we got laughed at. But to this day I stand by my story. Now to see the footage from the Pentagon, wow. Thanks for posting it.
I listened to Russel Brand also and he has some very valid ideas, an interesting watch.
Hope you enjoy the day, keep checking the sky, you never know what might pop up.

thanks for this comment.. sounds like a LOT of us have seen these things.. when they move the way they do, as fast as they do.. you KNOW!

much love! x

Of course, UFOs are real. There have been way too many movies about them for them not to be. I know ET went home but he was here. LOL Thanks for your post.

ok, aliens exists.. now what?

Now we invite them to Hive!

I haven't seen any news about it but honestly, I didn't see any news at all lately.
At some point they would have to admit it, let's be honest. But there is probably a reason behind the "why now" and I can't wait until that's coming to the surface :)