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RE: Do you need to work less? What do you think of quiet quitting? Are you offended by things? Do you think you are entitled to more?

Marx-ist philosophy is ingrained in everything today.
There is also a philosophy of we will make things better... but none of the understanding of how to make it better.

"How dare you"

The problem is, we all are massively oppressed.
Some even say we are all slaves.
And since the banksters have created a world where a portion of your labor is stolen away, it could be argued so.

But, since no one sees inflation as a tax caused by the banksters, they just believe that the "oppressors" (out there... the 'man') are oppressing them.

So, they have a proper feeling of oppression, but no financial knowledge to understand it.
All they have is a Marx-ist framework, and a busy body (Karen) mindset. So, they fall for every media lie, join every 'mostly peaceful protest" and hate everyone that is actually productive.


Good points. There is real oppression just most people don't see it. Yet they feel it and they are casting about aimlessly seeking the source.


I said "banksters" meaning the whole group of people that designed and worked the fractional reserve system. Banks - politicians - treasury - ignorant voters

The electorate is not in charge of the banks.
A group above them all calls all the shots.