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RE: The original earth battery was made to (em)power humans

in Deep Diveslast year

"Breath in through the nose. Out through the mouth."
Coincidentally I've read several books on HOW to practice Deep Breathing - there is a surprising number of variations on how many counts in, how long to hold the breath (if at all), and how TWICE THE COUNT on the exhale is important, and how we should work to wring out the last "stale breath" in the lungs (I've lost the link to that one).

Who shot that video for you?? The rising up and away, as if in a hot air balloon, watching you and your friend shrink, and the landscape expand, and the world enlarging - wow! Just, WOW!!!


Thanks for the notes! I've not read anything on how to practice deep breathing so was really just winging it for the film. Very much appreciate this information at the perfect moment in fact. Am just about to climb our local mountain where I intend to sit and meditate for three days. No food, no water, just me. And my breathing! When I return I will continue the fast at home, permitting myself only simple pleasures like books and piano playing. This fast will be different to the others however as I want to do it in silence. Ideally a week. No talking. My family have been briefed. Should be fun! But there will be a lot of deep breathing going on (which always helps with the hunger pains) so am most grateful for this note just prior to my departure :)

Who shot the film? I did. Back in my old life I was a drone operator/film maker and was based in Indonesia for a few years where I shot this footage, not knowing at the time what I would use it for. To help people with hair loss problems! Yep. Funny old world.

Catch you when I return and permit myself to open this computer again...